Call for journalists: Workshop on "Media Empowerment Against Torture - Participation in a session of the UN Committee Against Torture", Geneva, 6th to 13th of November 2013
Geneva,Switzerland will play host to the 51st Session of the UN Committee againstTorture (CAT) between 28 October and 22 November 2013. Amongother nations, Burkina Faso and Kyrgyzstan will be reviewed. Accordingly, Gmediacenter and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) will organise aworkshop for journalists originating from the two for-mentioned countries inthe week running from Wednesday 6thof November to Wednesday 13th of November 2013.
Main objective of the workshop:
The 7-days workshopaims to provide a comprehensive overview on the notion of torture and othercruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, and the UN Committeeagainst Torture (CAT).
Methodology of the workshop:
Journalists will benefitfrom debates and discussions conducted by Human Rights experts from theAcademia, Media, UN Agencies and International non governmental organizations (NGOs)whose tasks include highlighting the doctrine, conventions, practice andmonitoring mechanisms and institutions but also sharing experiences and goodpractices and challenging the role of the media as key watchdog. As part ofthis project, journalists attend the CAT sessions concerning their respectivecountries and take part in press conferences, side events and other meetingswith delegations according to their interests and relevancy. Journalists shouldnot only listen to the information provided but should also have chance tointerview, question and challenge delegations from States, IGO and NGOs.
Expected Outcome:
1. Improve mediahuman rights knowledge, in particular of the notion of torture and ill-treatment and theobligation to prevent and protect from torture, and understanding of humanrights mechanisms and their importance for domestic reforms;
2. Develop mediainvestigating and reporting capacity of human rights abuses and violations;
3. Provide accurateinformation/materials on the UN Human Rights mechanisms with specialconsideration to the CAT and the mechanisms of the Optional Protocol to theConvention against torture;
4. Allow media todirectly access discussions taking place within the CAT and other institutionalapparatus in Geneva;
5. Facilitateinteraction between the media, governmental officials and civil societyorganizations based in Geneva and/or operating in their countries;
6. Encouragemedia to follow-up and lobby for their governments’ pledges holding themaccountable for their international obligations;
7. Empower media as key players within civilsociety.
Journalist Selection Process
Due to the limited places available for theWorkshop, Gmedia Center and OMCT have installed a few criterias regarding the journalist selection process;
· Journalistsshall prove their capacity to speak andread in English (the language of the workshop will be English and therewill be no interpretation available);
· Participantswill need to prove their ‘active status’as journalists and be in possession of a press card;
· Journalistsselected shall be from different mediums of communication (radio, television,print press, online coverage);
· The workshop shall aim to have gender balance inthe journalists selected.
Practical information:
No cost. Applicantswill be reviewed and those qualified will be selected to receive grantsponsorship with the number of participants subject to availability of funding.
GMEDIA and OMCT will facilitate the obtaining of a visa forSwitzerland through issuance of an official letter of invitation.
To Register
Please send relevantinformation, including your curriculum vitae, a cover letter, and the registration form (see enclosed) no later than October 10th 2013 to
Contact persons:
For further information and/or questions, please contact FrancescaPiccin: