Belarus: an agenda to end torture

Contribution to the List of Issues Prior to reporting on Belarus prepared by the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) and Russian NGO Committee against Torture for the 70th Session of the UN Committee against Torture.
There has been an unprecedented crackdown against peaceful protesters in Belarus, following the contested re-election of Aleksander Lukashenka to the presidency, on 9 August 2020. Very large numbers of people have been arrested, with brutal practices by law enforcement agents amounting to torture and other ill-treatment. The excessive use of force continues to this day, while law enforcement agents enjoy absolute impunity.
The UN Committee Against Torture is slated to adopt a list of issues for Belarus at its 70th session, in April-May 2021, which will form the basis of the State report of Belarus. Ahead of the adoption of this list, we have submitted a joint report, based on a monitoring mission under the auspices of the OMCT and on recent interviews with civil society representatives, journalists and other respondents who have been directly involved in the events.
Read the full report here.