OMCT E-Bulletin: 47th session of the Committee against Torture - November 2011
The main components of OMCT@CAT n°1 are:
- 47th Session of the Committee against Torture:
This 47thsession took place in Genevaat the office of the United Nations – Palais Wilson from 31 October to 25 November 2011.The examined states were: Belarus, Bulgaria, Djibouti, Germany, Greece, Madagascar, Morocco, Paraguay and Sri-Lanka.
- Syria: Special Report:
TheCommittee asked Syriato submit a special report in light of seriousallegations of the widespreadand systematic use of torture and ill-treatment in the country.
- General Comment n°3:
TheCommittee considered in a public session draft General Comment n°3 on the right to remedy and reparation forvictims of torture (Article 14CAT), to which the OMCT had provided written comments.
- 48th Session of the Committee against Torture:
The next CATsession will take place from May 7 to June 1, 2012, andconsider state reports from:
Albania, Armenia, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Canada, Greece, Rwanda, Mexico, Syrian Arab Republic.
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