Submission of a joint shadow report to the Committee against Torture
On theoccasion of the review of the initial report of Madagascar by the Committee against Torture during its 47th session (31October - 25 November 2011), the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT), itsmember organisation the Action des chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture deMadagascar (ACAT Madagascar) and the Fédération internationale de l’ACAT(FIACAT) have submitted to the Committee against Torture information andrecommendations in relation to the implementation by the State Party of theConvention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment orPunishment.
Thisinformation was notably collected during a preparatory mission to Antananarivofrom 4 to 8 July 2011 organised by OMCT and FIACAT in collaboration with ACATMadagascar. The delegation met officials of the High Transitional Authority,representatives of diplomatic missions and national and internationalnon-governmental organisations. The mission delegates were also able to visitthe Antanimora central prison in Antananarivo and the Tsiafahy high-securityprison.
The CAT public sessionon Madagascar will be webcasted by OMCT.