Submission to select UN Special Procedures on practice of extracting and broadcasting forced confessions before trial
Object of submission:
Review of Chinese authorities’ widespread practice of coercing individuals in detention into confessing crimes determined by the authorities before their trials, commonly after prolonged periods of torture and ill-treatment.
For Reference:
Book: Trial by Media: China's new show trials, and the global expansion of Chinese media (2018)
Report: Scripted and Staged: Behind the scenes of China forced televised confessions (2018)
Contact: Benjamin Ismaïl.
Safeguard Defenders.
+33 663 137 61
Submitted by:
Safeguard Defenders
China Aid Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)
Front Line Defenders Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
Access the full submission here:
For additional data and far greater level of detail, see the attached document “ADDITIONAL DATA for China’s practice of extracting and broadcasting forced confessions before trial".