
30th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC30): Joint Statement: UPR Outcomes: Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Libya


30th session - September 25, 2015

Item 6: UPR Outcomes: Libya

Oralstatement delivered by theWorld Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), within the frameworkof the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, and the CairoInstitute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS).

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OMCT, FIDH andCIHRS welcome the report of the working group on the UPR on Libya.

In a recent report, the Observatory for the Protection of Human RightsDefenders has documented and denounced that human rights defenders have becomeprime targets for many armed groups involved in the ongoing civil war in Libya.Violence, harassment and intimidation are daily occurrences for thesedefenders, in a climate of impunity resulting from the breakdown of the State.In this context, the respect of human rights defenders as vital, non-partisanvoices should be a baseline consensus for any successful agreement betweenparties to the conflict

However, inthe current Libyan context, it is essential to go beyond their needs forprotection and to reclaim the essential role human rights defender should playin the conflict-settlement and peace building process so that a Staterespectful of basic human rights can be established. Defenders are thekeystones in the construction of a State that protects and empowers thepeople. The situation they face is unbearable and puts at risk the entireprocess of building a sustainable democracy in Libya. Therefore, we call on theLibyan state to promote the participation of human rights defenders in theimplementation of the Political agreement recently concluded.

We thereforewelcome the seven recommendations made to Libya focusing on the need forprotection of human rights defenders and on the need for measures to fosteraccountability for the perpetrators of assassinations, attacks, intimidationand harassment against human rights defenders and call on the Libyanauthorities to implement these at the shortest delay.

Finally, memberstates of the Human Rights Council and OHCHR should take leadership inexamining the humanitarian situation of several Libyan human rights defendersliving in the diaspora for fear of reprisal; including looking at thepossibility of supporting and facilitating the granting, at the earliestopportunity, of refugee status to Libyan human rights defenders who apply forit.

We thank youMr. President.