Historic prosecution of 26 officials for the crime of torture against teenagers in detention centers
Geneva-Montevideo, 28 August 2015 – On Friday 22 August, a criminal judge issued an indictment for 26 officials from SUINAU (Union of the Institute for Children and Teenagers in Uruguay) and from SIRPA (Criminal Liability System For Teenagers) for the crime of torture. OMCT and IELSUR, who have been denouncing the violent practices of officials against teenagers in detention for years, welcome this unprecedented legal action.
This prosecution comes after the publication of a video showing officers beating teenagers in a detention center in Uruguay.
Among the officials accused of acts of torture are the President of the union and the Vice-president of the trade union of Uruguay.
“The ruling is historic because it is one of the few times that the crime of torture is used under Act no. 18026 for the implementation of the Rome Statute”, said Luis Pedernera, Director of IELSUR.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office quickly requested the approval of the judiciary for the prosecution of the offense, demonstrating a willingness to comply with the standards of promptness, impartiality and effectiveness.
"The process must continue and if it reaches final convictions, it will be an important chapter to put an end to impunity in detention centres for minors. OMCT, who visited detention centers in the country last year, will closely monitor the criminal proceedings", declared Gerald Staberock, Secretary General of the World Organisation Against Torture.
Press Contacts
Luis Pedernera, Director of IELSUR, 099188766
Astrid Salcedo Pinzon, OMCT Communications Advisor,
asp@omct.org, +41 22 809 49 39