
Nicaragua: Recent reforms to the Constitution are contrary to human rights treaties

Interactive dialogue on the oral update by the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua

9 December 2024

Juan Carlos Arce Campos

Colectivo Nicaragua Nunca Más

Nicaraguans, as a result of the recent reforms to the Constitution, have been left without rights, being eliminated from its text the recognition of treaties and conventions on human rights, the protection against torture, the division of powers and other minimum guarantees of any democratic state, consolidating total power in the presidential couple. In addition to this, 12 repressive laws have been passed in the last 4 months.

The arbitrariness and perpetuation of crimes against humanity was elevated to State policy. After the expulsion of 135 political prisoners, we experienced one of the most aggressive repressive escalations in recent years, with the intensification of arbitrary detentions, forced disappearances and exile as the main mechanisms for the generation of fear in the population. Currently 452 people have been stripped of their nationality, but an undetermined number are in a condition of de facto statelessness, being victims of other abuses such as the confiscation of their goods and properties.

Currently, 70 people are in prison, 30 of them captured in the last few days. 12 are in conditions of forced disappearance.

As an organization we have documented 220 cases of torture, identifying more than 30 types of torture perpetrated by state agents. The effects are unquantifiable.

We request the urgent action of the international community to demand the immediate release of political prisoners and the immediate cessation of these serious practices.