OMCT and HRS call on the international community to urge Libya to put an end to the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations.
LIBYA:OMCT and HRS call on the international community to urge Libyato put an end to the violent repression ofpeaceful demonstrations
Geneva,22 February 2011. The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) andHuman Rights Solidarity (HRS) condemnthe unlawful killings of protesters by Libyan security forces amidstprotests calling for change that have started on 15 February 2011and urge the Libyan authorities to immediatelycease the violent repression.
OMCTand HRS are gravely concerned about reports of mass killings ofprotesters by security forces supported by foreign mercenaries, andspecial security battalions using live ammunition, including machinegun fire and large-calibre weapons, in Benghazi andother cities. According to information received, at least 200 peoplehave been killed and many injured in Benghazi butthe exact situation in the country remains difficult to asses giventhe fact that the authorities have restricted internet communicationand freedom of the press.
Inlight of the aforementioned events, OMCT and HRS support the call ofthe High Commissioner for Human Rights for an independentinternational investigation into these events.
OMCTand HRS further call on the UN Human Rights Council to hold a specialsession on the current human rights violations in Libyaas a matter of urgentconcern. The Council has to live up to its own mandate by respondingpromptly to human rights emergencies.
OMCTand HRS also call on all States that have relations with Libyato urge the Libyanauthorities to immediately put an end to the unlawful killings ofprotesters and the excessive use of force.
Finally,OMCT and HRS call on the Libyanauthorities to
Immediately put an end to the violent repression of the peaceful protests and issue clear instructions to the security forces to refrain from using excessive force against the protesters in accordance with international standards, including the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms and the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials;
Guarantee freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression;
Carry out prompt, effective, thorough, independent and impartial investigations into the security forces abuses and violence, including the unlawful killings, the results of which must be made public, in order to bring those responsible before a competent, independent and impartial tribunal and to apply penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law; and provide the victims with adequate compensation, reparation and rehabilitation;
Ensure the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
EricSottas, World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT): +41 22 809 49 39
KhaledSaleh, Human Rights Solidarity (HRS): +41 76 570 19 63