OMCT Mission to Monitor and Promote the Rights of Children in Conflict with the Law
Geneva-Cotonou, September 2013. The World Organization Against Torture(OMCT) and its local partner in Benin, Solidarity for Children in Africa andthe World (ESAM), organized a mission from 9 to 13 September 2013, to monitorthe conditions of children in conflict with the law and promote a training toJuvenile Court Judges.
The mission also counted with the presence of the international expertMr. FortunéGaetan Zongo, member of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman orDegrading Treatment or Punishment (SPT), and judge at the Appeal Court of Burkina-Faso.
During the mission OMCT expressed its concern regarding the continuingallegations of violence against children deprived of liberty, to authorities ofthe Ministry of Justice and of the Ministry of Family.
In addition, three prisons were visited (Cotonou, Oidah and Lokossa)were children detained were interviewed and local authorities questioned aboutthe treatment and allegations of practices that could amount to Torture andIll-treatment.
According to the information provided by the children, OMCT notices withconcern that corporal punishment and solitary confinement are commonly used inthe centres visited. Children also have claimed to have constant contact withadults prisoners, and that the food is insufficient and of bad quality.
OMCT is especially concerned about the situations of girls deprived ofliberty, who don’t have access to any educational activity and are placed inthe same space with adult women.
As a conclusion of the mission OMCT, its local partner and Mr. Zongoconducted a two-day training on the International Human Rights Standards forthe Protection of Children and the Prevention and Fight against Torture. Thetraining counted with the presence of all Juvenile Court Judges in the country,and was perceived as an opportunity to dialogue with the judges and seekpractical solutions to prevent torture and ill-treatment of children deprivedof liberty in Benin.
OMCT and ESAM continue to monitor the situation in the country throughregular visits to detention centres and a continuum dialogue with theGovernment.
OMCT recalls that States have a positive obligation to protect childrenfrom all forms of violence. Childrendeprived of their liberty are especially vulnerable and must be object ofspecial measures from the State to prevent situations of risk, and safeguardtheir life and physical integrity.
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