European Union

Open letter: Request for public consultation on the revision of the “Handbook for Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment” adopted in 2006

Dear Commissioner Malmström

Dear Vice-President Timmermans

17 March 2015

Open letter: Request for public consultation on the revision of the “Handbook for TradeSustainability Impact Assessment” adopted in 2006

The EU is currently revising the Handbook for Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA). Wewelcome this process since it is an important step to ensure that trade and investment agreementsduly take into account the EU’s obligations and objectives as set down in its founding treaties, notablyin terms of human rights and policy coherence for development.

However, we, as human rights organisations, development organisations, environmentalorganisations, international solidarity organisations, and academics are particularly concerned by thefact that the revision process could occur behind closed doors. This bears a great risk that analysisand recommendations on SIA and on Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIA) on trade andinvestment policies developed in the last decade among civil society organizations and academicswould not be given due attention in the new Handbook. As a result, we fear this revision processcould be a missed opportunity to considerably strengthen the inclusion of human rights, in particulareconomic and social rights and the right to sustainable development, in the SIAs.

One of the failings of the SIA itself is precisely the way in which civil society consultations are held.Until now, these consultations have focused more on informing civil society about EU policies andstudies than on initiating a genuine exchange of views sufficiently in advance of the decision andreports. We consider that a revision process of the Handbook, flawed by the same shortcomings,would be the worst signal that could be sent regarding the commitment of the EU to human rights,to sustainability and to ensuring the necessary improvements.

We, the undersigned 45 organisations, including networks representing over 2.500 memberorganisations, therefore call upon you to ensure the transparent and participatory character of therevision of the SIA Handbook and to organise a public consultation and an expert hearing to that end.These should take place early enough in the process to have a real impact on the outcome of therevision. Furthermore, we would appreciate receiving information about the consultation processlaunched with the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee in thatregard.

Yours sincerely,

The undersigned organisations (see attachement)