The adoption of the new constitution marks an historic day
Tunis, 28 January 2014
The World Organisation Against Torture congratulates all stakeholders who,by their contributions and concessions, brought about the adoption of the new constitutionon 26th January 2014. Thereby, Tunisia marked an historic moment and animportant milestone in her democratic transition.
"This achievement that all generations and all tendencies ofsociety have contributed to, is the warranty for Tunisia’s promising future forforging a path towards a participatory democracy. The text of the constitutionreflects the broad consensus within society that no circumstances can everjustify torture," said Gabriele Reiter, Director of the OMCT Office inTunis.
This supreme text, that includes the protection of rights, freedomsand universal principles of human rights, including the absolute prohibition oftorture, was passed by a large consensus after lengthy discussions. Inparticular OMCT welcomes the fact that crimes of torture arenot subject to any statute of limitation as an importantelement in the fight against impunity.
Despitethe provisions of Article 22 of the Constitutionauthorising legal exceptions to the sacred right to life, OMCT encourages theTunisian authorities to continue their moratorium on the application of thedeath penalty with a view to its abolition.
“A constitution is a living instrument. It will be judged by itsimplementation," added Gabriele Reiter. OMCT is committed to supporting Tunisia'sefforts to put in place instruments to reverse past injustice, to addresscurrent shortcomings, especially in the treatment of cases of torture victims,and to strengthen rule of law that respects human dignity and reinforcesconfidence in public institutions.
Press Contact: Halim Meddeb,, +216 23 660 689