Urgent Interventions
Cameroon: concerns regarding the personal integrity of members of the SCNC following a death in detention
Case CMR 151002
Torture / Fair Trial
The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Cameroon:
Brief description of the situation:
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by ACAT-Cameroon, a member of the OMCT network, of concerns regarding the personal integrity of certain members of SCNC, an Anglophone secessionist movement demanding the independence of the English-speaking part of Cameroon, in the north-west and south-west provinces of Cameroon.
During the night of August 10th, 2002, Mr. Georges Shinyuy was arrested and taken to the police station in Kumbo, where he died after a few hours following having been subjected to torture. During the same night Mr. Henry NCHENDZE, Mr. Limfouyuy EDWIN, Mr. Joseph JUMRAU, Mr. Thomas KOMBAU and Mr. Tobias KOUGUSO were also arrested in Kumbo and were later transferred Bafoussam prison and brought before a military tribunal.
During the afternoon of September 27th, 2002, Mr. Albert MUKONG, Mr. AYAMBA and Dr. NFOR NGALLANG NFOR were also arrested. Mr. NFOR NGALLANG NFOR, vice-president of the SCNC, is still in hospital due to ill-treatment that he received during his arrest. Five other members of the movement, Mr. Joseph AGBOR NGAW, aged 71, Mr. John ENOW ENOW, aged 65, Mr. Daniel TABE AGBOR, Mr. Valery TAMBE ATEM and Mr. Samuel OJONG NDIP, were arrested at a later and as yet unspecified date.
Finally, eight persons whose names remain unknown also seem to have been arrested: five in Nkambé, one in Wum and two in Kumbo.
These arrests took place while the SNSC members were planning to hold a demonstration on October 1st, the anniversary of the reunification of Cameroon.
ACAT-Cameroon has tried in vain to obtain information concerning these people from the local police commander and from the provincial and national governments.
The International Secretariat of OMCT wishes to express its deep concern for the physical and psychological integrity of the afore-mentioned persons, notably given the reported use of ill-treatment and torture which has resulted in the death of one of their number.
Action requested:
Please write to the authorities in Cameroon urging them to:
i. guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the persons mentioned above;
ii. guarantee that they be given a fair trial before an impartial and independent civil tribunal;
iii. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of the death of Mr. Georges Shinuyuy and generally into the cases of ill-treatment and torture which reportedly occurred during these arrests;
iv. locate and punish the perpetrators of the reported acts of torture and ensure adequate compensation for the victims;
v. guarantee the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country, in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
· Presidence de La Republique du Cameroun, Secretariat General, Yaounde, Fax: +237 222 08 70
· Bureau du Premier Ministre et Chef du Gouvernement le la République du Cameroun, Yaounde, Fax : +237 223 57 65
· Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux, Yaounde, Fax : +237 223 00 05
Please also write to the diplomatic representative of Cameroon in your country.
Geneva, 15 October 2002
Kindly inform the OMCT of any action you have undertaken indicating the appeal code in your response.
Torture / Fair Trial
The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Cameroon:
Brief description of the situation:
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by ACAT-Cameroon, a member of the OMCT network, of concerns regarding the personal integrity of certain members of SCNC, an Anglophone secessionist movement demanding the independence of the English-speaking part of Cameroon, in the north-west and south-west provinces of Cameroon.
During the night of August 10th, 2002, Mr. Georges Shinyuy was arrested and taken to the police station in Kumbo, where he died after a few hours following having been subjected to torture. During the same night Mr. Henry NCHENDZE, Mr. Limfouyuy EDWIN, Mr. Joseph JUMRAU, Mr. Thomas KOMBAU and Mr. Tobias KOUGUSO were also arrested in Kumbo and were later transferred Bafoussam prison and brought before a military tribunal.
During the afternoon of September 27th, 2002, Mr. Albert MUKONG, Mr. AYAMBA and Dr. NFOR NGALLANG NFOR were also arrested. Mr. NFOR NGALLANG NFOR, vice-president of the SCNC, is still in hospital due to ill-treatment that he received during his arrest. Five other members of the movement, Mr. Joseph AGBOR NGAW, aged 71, Mr. John ENOW ENOW, aged 65, Mr. Daniel TABE AGBOR, Mr. Valery TAMBE ATEM and Mr. Samuel OJONG NDIP, were arrested at a later and as yet unspecified date.
Finally, eight persons whose names remain unknown also seem to have been arrested: five in Nkambé, one in Wum and two in Kumbo.
These arrests took place while the SNSC members were planning to hold a demonstration on October 1st, the anniversary of the reunification of Cameroon.
ACAT-Cameroon has tried in vain to obtain information concerning these people from the local police commander and from the provincial and national governments.
The International Secretariat of OMCT wishes to express its deep concern for the physical and psychological integrity of the afore-mentioned persons, notably given the reported use of ill-treatment and torture which has resulted in the death of one of their number.
Action requested:
Please write to the authorities in Cameroon urging them to:
i. guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the persons mentioned above;
ii. guarantee that they be given a fair trial before an impartial and independent civil tribunal;
iii. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of the death of Mr. Georges Shinuyuy and generally into the cases of ill-treatment and torture which reportedly occurred during these arrests;
iv. locate and punish the perpetrators of the reported acts of torture and ensure adequate compensation for the victims;
v. guarantee the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country, in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
· Presidence de La Republique du Cameroun, Secretariat General, Yaounde, Fax: +237 222 08 70
· Bureau du Premier Ministre et Chef du Gouvernement le la République du Cameroun, Yaounde, Fax : +237 223 57 65
· Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux, Yaounde, Fax : +237 223 00 05
Please also write to the diplomatic representative of Cameroon in your country.
Geneva, 15 October 2002
Kindly inform the OMCT of any action you have undertaken indicating the appeal code in your response.