Urgent Interventions

Greece: open letter to Prime Minister Costas Simitis

Geneva, 19th February 2004

Mr. Prime Minister,

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM), a member of the OMCT network, of attacks by Pontics on a Roma settlement in Aspropyrgos, Greece.

According to information received, a Roma settlement in Aspropyrgos (the north-western outskirts of Athens) was attacked on 2 February 2004 by a group of Pontics (ethnic Greek refugees from the former Soviet Union). Three shacks and three cars were burnt in the attack. Subsequently, 12 Pontics were arrested and charged with arson and damage to property and dangerous bodily harm. They are currently being held in pre trial detention. On 3 February 2004, dozens of Pontics launched a second attack on the Roma settlement. According to the police, the assailants attacked the settlement with axes, sticks and knives and tried to burn shacks but were scared away by the Roma who fired gunshots at them.

The first attack was believed to have been linked to a fight between local Roma and Pontic Greeks on 1 February, 2004; when a group of local Roma allegedly refused to pay a sum of 37 Euros they owed to a Pontic Greek, who runs a cafeteria. It is reported that the Roma beat the Pontic proprietor and also his nephew and two sons who tried to help. All four Pontics went after the incident to the local hospital and filed charges at the Aspropyrgos Police Station against the perpetrators (who have yet to be identified). Subsequent information received indicates, however, that the 12 Pontics, who were arrested after the first attack on the Roma settlement in Aspropyrgos, did not live in the wider area of Aspropyrgos and came to the settlement with the specific intent of attacking it. GHM believes that the attack was not 'provoked' or simply in response to the incident on 1 February, 2004 but appears to be driven by racist motives.

Police forces are still on stand by in the area and are ordered to generally keep a high profile in order to act as a deterrent to new incidents. OMCT commends the quick action of the Police in identifying and detaining the 12 Pontics who were involved in the first attack, submitting a comprehensive investigation report to the court and the subsequent action to keep the Police force on stand by. It is reported that this is the fourth time in a year that police in Western Attica has swiftly and objectively investigated allegations of Roma rights violations.

OMCT is, however, concerned by these developments and in particular by the second attack, which indicates that the violence may escalate in the future. The Greek National Commission on Human Rights has in the past expressed concern at the increasing incidence of particularly violent acts of Greek citizens against immigrants and the Roma. OMCT therefore urges the authorities to maintain vigilance, ensure that there is no escalation in the violence or tension amongst the different communities involved and take wider measures to combat all forms of xenophobia and racial discrimination, including transposition of all provisions of the EU Race Directive (2003/43) into national legislation. OMCT also hopes that all incidents of racist violence will be promptly investigated, prosecuted and tried in accordance with national law and international human rights standards and that the victims (both Pontic and Roma) will be compensated for injuries and loss of property.

We thank you in advance for your careful consideration of this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

Eric Sottas


Mr. Costas Simitis, Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office at the
Hellenic Parliament, Greek Parliament Blgd, Constitution Square,
Athens, Greece, Fax: +30 210 3238129
Mr. Constantinos Balatsos
Director of Western Attica Police Directorate
Fax: +30-2105448960

Mr. Fotis Nasiakos
Chief of Greek Police
Fax: +30-2106923689

Filippos Petsalnikos
Minister of Justice, Athens, Greece
Fax +30 2107489231

Mr. Giorgos Floridis
Minister of Public Order, Athens, Greece
Fax: + 30 210 6917944

George Kaminis
Ombudsman for Human Rights
Fax 30 210 7289643

Tassos Kriekoukis
Mission permanente de la Grèce
Place Saint-Gervais 1, 1201 Genève, Suisse
E-mail:, Fax : +4122 732.21.50

Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture (OMCT)
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura (OMCT)
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