Morocco/Western Sahara
Urgent Interventions

Press release - Morocco: The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) condemns the recent attacks perpetrated in Casablanca.

Geneva, 20 May 2003 Morocco: The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) condemns the recent attacks perpetrated in Casablanca. OMCT firmly denounces the reprehensible wave of attacks occurred in Morocco during the night of Friday, May 16th 2003, as acts that violate both fundamental human rights and international humanitarian law. The extremists from a multitude of ideological backgrounds, who resort to this type of arbitrary violence against civilians, do so while claiming to represent the very people who become the victims of their attacks. According to OMCT’s Director, Eric Sottas, “the methods that are used in such attacks negate the cause which they claim to serve, from the moment they stop respecting the fundamental human right to life, the value of which is proclaimed by every international convention, as well as by national laws and all religions. It is unacceptable, be it in Saudi Arabia, Colombia, or Jerusalem, to use the lives of civilians as a means of pressure.” OMCT recalls that while States must adhere to their international obligations as set forth in international treaties, all other actors, including non-State actors, are duty-bound to respect the fundamental human rights described in the International Bill of Human Rights. Contact OMCT : Christine Ferrier +4122 809.49.39