Urgent Interventions
Rwanda: release of Mr. Sugira
Case Rwanda 090402.1
Geneva, May 14, 2002
The International Secretariat of OMCT welcomes the release of Mr Samson SUGIRA which took place on 29 April 2002 in Rwanda.
New information
The International Secretariat of OMCT had ben informed by Agir Ensemble, a member of the OMCT network, of the following facts. On the March 12 Mr Samson SUGIRA, born in 1971 from Kibuye, participated in Kigali, in the Gatengo neighborhood, to a funeral ceremony of a man who had just been assassinated. While he was in the courtyard of the dead man’s house, a man asked him for help and Mr. Sugira accepted, thinking that the man was a relative of the deceased and he left the premises on the person’s motorbike. Since then and until the 29 April Mr Samson Sugira disappeared.
According to his sister and uncle who had begun looking for him Mr Sugira had been located in the Gikongo prison, though the prison authorities denied this.
OMCT welcomes the release of Mr Samson Sugira. Not having had any news concerning his whereabouts nor his conditions, we feared for his well-being. OMCT wishes to thank all persons and institutions that intervened in this case, enabling Mr. Sugira’s release.
Geneva, May 14, 2002
Geneva, May 14, 2002
The International Secretariat of OMCT welcomes the release of Mr Samson SUGIRA which took place on 29 April 2002 in Rwanda.
New information
The International Secretariat of OMCT had ben informed by Agir Ensemble, a member of the OMCT network, of the following facts. On the March 12 Mr Samson SUGIRA, born in 1971 from Kibuye, participated in Kigali, in the Gatengo neighborhood, to a funeral ceremony of a man who had just been assassinated. While he was in the courtyard of the dead man’s house, a man asked him for help and Mr. Sugira accepted, thinking that the man was a relative of the deceased and he left the premises on the person’s motorbike. Since then and until the 29 April Mr Samson Sugira disappeared.
According to his sister and uncle who had begun looking for him Mr Sugira had been located in the Gikongo prison, though the prison authorities denied this.
OMCT welcomes the release of Mr Samson Sugira. Not having had any news concerning his whereabouts nor his conditions, we feared for his well-being. OMCT wishes to thank all persons and institutions that intervened in this case, enabling Mr. Sugira’s release.
Geneva, May 14, 2002