Urgent Interventions

Severe crackdown following protests in Tibet_OMCT calls for a Human Rights Council special session

Geneva, 18 March 2008. The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) expresses its deep concern about the continuing crackdown, including alleged extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearance and arbitrary arrests, against protesters in Tibet by Chinese security forces since 10 March 2008.

OMCT has been informed by its member organisation, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), of the severe crackdown following peaceful protests, starting on 10 March 2008, when attempting to observe “Tibetan National Uprising Day”, the anniversary of the Tibetan rebellion against Bejing’s rule in Tibet in 1959.

Chinese security forces reportedly beat protesters and used live ammunition to disperse the protests in Lhasa and Sangchu County. Other peaceful protests reportedly took place today in Amdo Bora (Sangchu County) and Sertha County during which the crowd was dispersed by security forces.

Furthermore, according to the latest information received, hundreds of Tibetans were arbitrarily arrested during a house-by-house raid by Chinese security forces in Lhasa on 15 March 2008. Many were reportedly severely beaten during the arrest. Law enforcement authorities had issued an ultimatum on 15 March to the protesting Tibetans to voluntarily surrender before Monday 17 March by midnight but the arrests had reportedly already begun on that same day.

OMCT calls on the Chinese authorities to stop the crackdown on protesters in Tibet. OMCT is very much concerned for the safety of the arrested individuals as they are at high risk of torture and ill-treatment and therefore calls upon the Chinese authorities to guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of all protesters and others detained in recent days and to release them immediately.

OMCT further calls on the Chinese government to respect the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly and to refrain from any excessive use of force while maintaining order.

Finally, while the United Nations Human Rights Council currently meets in Geneva, OMCT urges Member States to urgently convene a special session to address the current situation in China.

For further information, please contact: Eric Sottas + 00 41 22 809 49 39