Urgent Interventions
Sudan: arrest and torture of journalist Yousif Al Bashier Mousa
Case SDN 120503
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Sudan.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Sudanese Organisation against Torture, a member of the OMCT network, of the arrest and torture of a journalist in Sudan.
According to the information received, Yousif Al Bashier Mousa, a 35-year-old reporter for the Al Sahafa daily newspaper, was arrested on May 3rd, 2003. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly arrested at Nyala stadium by three security officers, Ahmed Mousa, Usama, and Walied. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa is disabled: his left leg has been amputated.
Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly taken to the National Security Offices north of the Nyala industrial park where he was detained in a 2m x 1m cell. There was little ventilation in cell and Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was forced to sleep on the concrete floor. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly not allowed to go to the toilet during his detention, and was provided with only two meals during a four-day period. Every night, beginning at 10:00 pm, Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was interrogated about his activities and the information that he sent to Al Sahafa. He was reportedly held at gunpoint, threatened with rape and damage to his remaining leg, and repeatedly beaten and punched in the face and abdomen. Sticks were used to beat him on the shoulders and the sole of his foot. One of the officers allegedly involved in the torture was Abd Al Moniem Tayfour and another officer reportedly wore a military uniform.
Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly allowed to receive medical treatment on May 6th, 2003. Dr. Abd Al Rahman Ahmed Hassan confirmed in his medical report that Mr. Al Bashier Mousa had been tortured. Mossa'ed Mohamed Ali, Mr. Al Bashier Mousa's lawyer, requested that he be charged or released immediately. The district prosecutor ordered his release on May 6th, after he had been interrogated and not charged. However, he was reportedly immediately re-arrested by the security forces. On May 7th, 2003 the Muhafiz (Governor) of Nyala province, Mr. Adam Jama'a, issued a decree to extend Mr. Al Bashier Mousa’s detention for six months, in accordance with article 26 of the emergency Act 1998. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was accused of “spreading incorrect information against the State.” He was transferred to Nayala prison on Saturday May 10th, 2003.
OMCT is gravely concerned for Mr. Yousi Al Bashier Mousa's physical and psychological integrity, particularly since there are serious allegations that he has been subjected to torture during his detention. OMCT calls on the Sudanese government to order his immediate release in the absence of valid legal charges that are in line with international law, or, if such charges exist, to ensure he receives a prompt and fair trial and that his procedural rights are guaranteed at all times.
Background information
Formal censorship of the press ended in Sudan in December 2002, but the government continues to pressure and restrict the media. The government has reportedly informed the press that they are not allowed to cover the following issues: the peace process; the abduction of women and children; the arrest and release of political actvists and/or human rights defenders; news about the security forces; news about the Popular National Congress and/or its leader, Hassan Al Turabi; and most recently, the current conflict in Darfour. The government has also restricted how the media could report on the October student demonstrations, and certain sexual health issues, particularly female circumcision.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in Sudan urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the Mr. Yousif Al Bashier Mousa;
ii. order the immediate release of Mr. Al Bashier Mousa, in the absence of valid legal charges, or, if such charges exist, bring him before an impartial and competent tribunal and guarantee his procedural rights at all times;
iii. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of these events, notably the allegations of torture, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
iv. guarantee that Mr. Al Bashier Mousa receives adequate reparation, including the provision of medical assistance as a matter of urgency;
v. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
§ His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan, President's Palace, PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: + 24911 783223
§ Mr. Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Ministry of Justice, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: +24911 788941
§ Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: +24911 779383
§ Mr. Yasir Sid Ahmed, Advisory Council for Human Rights, PO Box 302, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: + 24911 779173
§ His Excellency Ambassador Mr Ibrahim Mirghani Ibrahim, Permanent Mission of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva, PO Box 335, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, Fax : +4122 7312656. E-mail:
Please also write to the embassies of Sudan in your respective country.
Geneva, May 12th, 2003
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Sudan.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Sudanese Organisation against Torture, a member of the OMCT network, of the arrest and torture of a journalist in Sudan.
According to the information received, Yousif Al Bashier Mousa, a 35-year-old reporter for the Al Sahafa daily newspaper, was arrested on May 3rd, 2003. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly arrested at Nyala stadium by three security officers, Ahmed Mousa, Usama, and Walied. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa is disabled: his left leg has been amputated.
Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly taken to the National Security Offices north of the Nyala industrial park where he was detained in a 2m x 1m cell. There was little ventilation in cell and Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was forced to sleep on the concrete floor. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly not allowed to go to the toilet during his detention, and was provided with only two meals during a four-day period. Every night, beginning at 10:00 pm, Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was interrogated about his activities and the information that he sent to Al Sahafa. He was reportedly held at gunpoint, threatened with rape and damage to his remaining leg, and repeatedly beaten and punched in the face and abdomen. Sticks were used to beat him on the shoulders and the sole of his foot. One of the officers allegedly involved in the torture was Abd Al Moniem Tayfour and another officer reportedly wore a military uniform.
Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was reportedly allowed to receive medical treatment on May 6th, 2003. Dr. Abd Al Rahman Ahmed Hassan confirmed in his medical report that Mr. Al Bashier Mousa had been tortured. Mossa'ed Mohamed Ali, Mr. Al Bashier Mousa's lawyer, requested that he be charged or released immediately. The district prosecutor ordered his release on May 6th, after he had been interrogated and not charged. However, he was reportedly immediately re-arrested by the security forces. On May 7th, 2003 the Muhafiz (Governor) of Nyala province, Mr. Adam Jama'a, issued a decree to extend Mr. Al Bashier Mousa’s detention for six months, in accordance with article 26 of the emergency Act 1998. Mr. Al Bashier Mousa was accused of “spreading incorrect information against the State.” He was transferred to Nayala prison on Saturday May 10th, 2003.
OMCT is gravely concerned for Mr. Yousi Al Bashier Mousa's physical and psychological integrity, particularly since there are serious allegations that he has been subjected to torture during his detention. OMCT calls on the Sudanese government to order his immediate release in the absence of valid legal charges that are in line with international law, or, if such charges exist, to ensure he receives a prompt and fair trial and that his procedural rights are guaranteed at all times.
Background information
Formal censorship of the press ended in Sudan in December 2002, but the government continues to pressure and restrict the media. The government has reportedly informed the press that they are not allowed to cover the following issues: the peace process; the abduction of women and children; the arrest and release of political actvists and/or human rights defenders; news about the security forces; news about the Popular National Congress and/or its leader, Hassan Al Turabi; and most recently, the current conflict in Darfour. The government has also restricted how the media could report on the October student demonstrations, and certain sexual health issues, particularly female circumcision.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in Sudan urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the Mr. Yousif Al Bashier Mousa;
ii. order the immediate release of Mr. Al Bashier Mousa, in the absence of valid legal charges, or, if such charges exist, bring him before an impartial and competent tribunal and guarantee his procedural rights at all times;
iii. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of these events, notably the allegations of torture, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
iv. guarantee that Mr. Al Bashier Mousa receives adequate reparation, including the provision of medical assistance as a matter of urgency;
v. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
§ His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan, President's Palace, PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: + 24911 783223
§ Mr. Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Ministry of Justice, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: +24911 788941
§ Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: +24911 779383
§ Mr. Yasir Sid Ahmed, Advisory Council for Human Rights, PO Box 302, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: + 24911 779173
§ His Excellency Ambassador Mr Ibrahim Mirghani Ibrahim, Permanent Mission of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva, PO Box 335, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, Fax : +4122 7312656. E-mail:
Please also write to the embassies of Sudan in your respective country.
Geneva, May 12th, 2003
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.