Suspension of sentences of Leyla and Arif Yunus is a welcome step, but justice is still elusive
We -- members of the Civic SolidarityPlatform and the Sports For Rights Campaign -- were relieved to learn that oneof Azerbaijan’s most well-known political prisoners, Leyla Yunus, was releasedfrom detention yesterday and that that the Baku City Court of Appeal changedher sentence and that of her husband Arif into suspended sentences of 5 years,on probation. However, most of the charges against the couple have notbeen dropped and, while on probation, Leyla and Arif Yunus will not be able toleave the country. We remain seriously concerned about the state of health ofLeyla Yunus, who has been diagnosed with diabetes and hepatitis C, and that ofArif Yunus, who suffers from high blood pressure. There are doubts thatadequate medical assistance can be provided to Leyla Yunus in Azerbaijan.
As part of the ongoing civil societycrackdown in Azerbaijan, Leyla and her husband Arif werearrested in late July and early August 2014, respectively. On 13 August 2015,they were convicted on charges of large‑scale fraud and tax evasion. Leyla wassentenced to 8.5 years in prison and Arif to 7 years. While in detention, theywere humiliated by police officers, put in overcrowded cells, beaten severaltimes and deprived of much needed medical treatment. On 13 November 2015, Arif Yunus was released under house arrest on health grounds. When ruling to changethe sentences, the court of appeal dropped the charges of forgery, but retainedothers. The court also lifted the order to seize the house owned by the couple.
We, members of the Civic SolidarityPlatform and the Sports for Rights Campaign, consider the new developments inthe case of Arif and Leyla Yunus to be positive and a first step in the rightdirection. However, we continue to call for all charges against the couple tobe dropped. Leyla Yunus requires an urgent medical examination and she shouldbe granted the right to receive medical treatment abroad if necessary. ArifYunus must also be provided with swift and adequate medical assistance.
Leyla and Arif Yunus are not the onlypolitical prisoners in Azerbaijan. Dozens of other civil society activists,human rights lawyers and journalists remain in detention or prison inAzerbaijan solely due to their professional activities and the peacefuland legitimate exercise of their fundamental rights and freedoms. They shouldbe immediately and unconditionally released. The Azerbaijani government mustrespect its commitments before its own people, as well as its obligations underinternational human rights law.
Signed by:
Analytical Center for InterethnicCooperation and Consultations
Article 19
Association UMDPL
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
Baris Zvozkau Belarusian Human RightsHouse
Center for Civil liberties
Center for the Development of Democracyand Human Rights
Crude Accountability
Freedom Files
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights inSerbia
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
Human Rights House Foundation
Human Rights Monitoring Institute
Human Rights Movement “BirDuino-Kyrgyzstan”
Index on Censorship
International Federation for HumanRights (FIDH), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection ofHuman Rights Defenders
International Partnership for HumanRights
Kazakhstan International Bureau forHuman Rights and Rule of Law
Kosova Rehabilitation Centre forTorture Victims
KRF Public Alternative
Legal Transformation Center
Moscow Helsinki Group
Netherlands Helsinki Committee
Norwegian Helsinki Committee
Nota Bene
Promo LEX
Public Verdict Foundation
SOVA Center for Information and Analyses
Sports For Rights
Swiss Helsinki Committee
World Organisation Against Torture(OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of HumanRights Defenders