Urgent Interventions
Venezuela: arbitrary arrest, torture and death threats against three young men
Case VEN 150502
Ill-treatment / Threats / Harassment
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Venezuela.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by Red de Apoyo por la Justicia y la Paz (Redepaz), that Luis Martínez, Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno were subjected to ill-treatment, harassment and threats by several members of the Municipal Police of Sucre, in Caracas.
According to the information received, on April 30th, 2002, at around 11:30 a.m., 27-year old Luis Martínez, 20-year old Marvin Rangel, and 19-year old Maiker Enrique Duno were arrested in front of the Barrio 12 de octubre, in Petare, Caracas, by plainclothes policemen who belonged to the Municipal Police of Sucre. The police ordered them to “stop” and after they were arrested, they were taken in white Jeep bearing no number plates to the headquarters of the Municipal Police of Sucre.
According to the report, when Luis Martínez; Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno arrived to the station, they were taken to room where they found 10 plainclothes civilians waiting for them. The policemen ordered them to kneel down and proceeded to beat them on the head, back, and thorax, punching and hitting them with cascos as well as kicking them in various parts of the body. They were reportedly threatened with death if they filed a complaint against them. This went on for several hours, and then they were described as “scourge of the neighbourhood” (“azotes de barrio”) and “truck thieves” (“ladrones de camionetas”)
According to the information received, after these events the aforementioned men continue to be harassed by the police officers who were involved in the incident. According to the complaints, these policemen have repeatedly gone to the area where the three young men work and have stared at them threateningly. Furthermore, Maiker Enrique Duno was detained again by officers from the Municipal Police of Sucre and was again the subject of beatings and threats.
The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned for the security and physical and psychological integrity of Luis Martínez, Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno and their families.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in Venezuela urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the security and physical and psychological integrity of Luis Martínez; Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno, as well as their families;
ii. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of these events and guarantee that those responsible are brought to trial and that the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions are applied as provided by law;
iii. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights laws and standards.
S.E. D. Hugo Chávez Frías, Presidente de la República, Palacio de Miraflores, Caracas, Venezuela. Fax .: (+58 212) 283 82 39. e-mail :
Sr. Isaías Rodríguez, Fiscal General de la República, Avenida Universidad, Esquina Pele el ojo a Misericordia, frente a Parque Carabobo. Caracas, Venezuela. Tel.: (+58 212) 509 81 34; (+58 212) 509 80 80. Fax.: (+58 212) 576 44 19 ; (+58 212) 577 21 44 ; (+58 212) 564 74 61
Gobernador del Distrito Federal, Hernan Gruber Odremán, Tel.: (+58 212) 581 11 11
Ministerio de Relaciones Interiores, Ministro de Relaciones Interiores y Justicia Ignacio Arcaya. Fax.: (+58 212) 862 75 16 ; (+58 212) 864 43 34 ; (+58 212) 576 87 19
Sr. German Mundaraín, Defensor del Pueblo, Fina avenida México Plaza Morelos, edificio Defensoría de Pueblo, piso 8, frente al Ateneo de Caracas. Caracas,Venezuela. e-mail: ; Tel. y Fax.: (+58 212) 575 51 03 e-mail : gmundarain @defensoria.
Director Henry Vivas, Comandante General de la Policía Metropolitana, Final de la Fuerzas Armadas, frente al hospital Risque. Caracas, Venezuela. Tel.: (+58 212) 552 29 31; Fax: (+58 212) 551 29 31
Comandante Manuel Antonio Sotillo, Director Policía Municipal de Sucre, Parte Alta de la Urbina, calle El Samán, Tel. : (+58 212) 242 22 11
Alcalde José Vicente Rancel Avalos, Municipio de Sucre, Zona colonial de Petare, Palacio Municipal, piso 01, Despacho municipal, frente a la Plaza de Sucre. Tel.: (+58 212) 272 33 60; Fax: (+58 212) 271 18 67
Please also write to the diplomatic representatives of Venezuela in your country.
Geneva, 15th May 2002
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.
Ill-treatment / Threats / Harassment
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Venezuela.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by Red de Apoyo por la Justicia y la Paz (Redepaz), that Luis Martínez, Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno were subjected to ill-treatment, harassment and threats by several members of the Municipal Police of Sucre, in Caracas.
According to the information received, on April 30th, 2002, at around 11:30 a.m., 27-year old Luis Martínez, 20-year old Marvin Rangel, and 19-year old Maiker Enrique Duno were arrested in front of the Barrio 12 de octubre, in Petare, Caracas, by plainclothes policemen who belonged to the Municipal Police of Sucre. The police ordered them to “stop” and after they were arrested, they were taken in white Jeep bearing no number plates to the headquarters of the Municipal Police of Sucre.
According to the report, when Luis Martínez; Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno arrived to the station, they were taken to room where they found 10 plainclothes civilians waiting for them. The policemen ordered them to kneel down and proceeded to beat them on the head, back, and thorax, punching and hitting them with cascos as well as kicking them in various parts of the body. They were reportedly threatened with death if they filed a complaint against them. This went on for several hours, and then they were described as “scourge of the neighbourhood” (“azotes de barrio”) and “truck thieves” (“ladrones de camionetas”)
According to the information received, after these events the aforementioned men continue to be harassed by the police officers who were involved in the incident. According to the complaints, these policemen have repeatedly gone to the area where the three young men work and have stared at them threateningly. Furthermore, Maiker Enrique Duno was detained again by officers from the Municipal Police of Sucre and was again the subject of beatings and threats.
The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned for the security and physical and psychological integrity of Luis Martínez, Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno and their families.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in Venezuela urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the security and physical and psychological integrity of Luis Martínez; Marvin Rangel, and Maiker Enrique Duno, as well as their families;
ii. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of these events and guarantee that those responsible are brought to trial and that the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions are applied as provided by law;
iii. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights laws and standards.
S.E. D. Hugo Chávez Frías, Presidente de la República, Palacio de Miraflores, Caracas, Venezuela. Fax .: (+58 212) 283 82 39. e-mail :
Sr. Isaías Rodríguez, Fiscal General de la República, Avenida Universidad, Esquina Pele el ojo a Misericordia, frente a Parque Carabobo. Caracas, Venezuela. Tel.: (+58 212) 509 81 34; (+58 212) 509 80 80. Fax.: (+58 212) 576 44 19 ; (+58 212) 577 21 44 ; (+58 212) 564 74 61
Gobernador del Distrito Federal, Hernan Gruber Odremán, Tel.: (+58 212) 581 11 11
Ministerio de Relaciones Interiores, Ministro de Relaciones Interiores y Justicia Ignacio Arcaya. Fax.: (+58 212) 862 75 16 ; (+58 212) 864 43 34 ; (+58 212) 576 87 19
Sr. German Mundaraín, Defensor del Pueblo, Fina avenida México Plaza Morelos, edificio Defensoría de Pueblo, piso 8, frente al Ateneo de Caracas. Caracas,Venezuela. e-mail: ; Tel. y Fax.: (+58 212) 575 51 03 e-mail : gmundarain @defensoria.
Director Henry Vivas, Comandante General de la Policía Metropolitana, Final de la Fuerzas Armadas, frente al hospital Risque. Caracas, Venezuela. Tel.: (+58 212) 552 29 31; Fax: (+58 212) 551 29 31
Comandante Manuel Antonio Sotillo, Director Policía Municipal de Sucre, Parte Alta de la Urbina, calle El Samán, Tel. : (+58 212) 242 22 11
Alcalde José Vicente Rancel Avalos, Municipio de Sucre, Zona colonial de Petare, Palacio Municipal, piso 01, Despacho municipal, frente a la Plaza de Sucre. Tel.: (+58 212) 272 33 60; Fax: (+58 212) 271 18 67
Please also write to the diplomatic representatives of Venezuela in your country.
Geneva, 15th May 2002
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.