Annual report 2012

During the past year, a special effort was made to follow up on complaints previously submitted to the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) and the Human Rights Committee. During a mission to Paraguay in September 2012, the OMCT held a fruitful meeting with the Office of the Attorney General, the official responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the treaty bodies.
The OMCT also intervened in cases of strategic and legal importance to matters relating to the right to an effective remedy and to compensation for the crime of torture, and to the obligation to investigate alleged acts of torture. Following a mission in February to the Mexican State of Guerrero, the OMCT submitted a legal opinion on violations of human rights committed against students of the Escuela Normal Rural “Raúl Isidro Burgos” of Ayotzinapa.
In addition to its work on individual cases, the OMCT continues to be actively involved in wider advocacy for the effective implementation of the decisions of the universal and regional bodies for the protection of human rights in order to improve the monitoring process at the national and United Nations levels and, ultimately, to strengthen respect for international standards.
Read the Annual Report 2012 here.