
Presentation of an alternative report on human rights violations in Georgia

  • Event Date: 09.10.06
  • Event Time: 00:00:00
Following the presentation of an alternative report on human rights violations in Georgia to the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) in May 2006, OMCT carried out a mission in Tbilisi in order to address the follow-up of the CAT’s recommendations in the country. This was done in partnership with three Georgian NGOs: Human Rights Information and Documentation Centre (HRIDC), Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), and Public Health and Medicine Development Fund of Georgia (PHMDF). A first workshop (agenda) was organised on 27th september, gathering around ten international, regional and national NGOs. This was an opportunity to officially launch the publication of the alternative report (also available in Georgian), to present its content as well as the recommendations of the CAT. After a discussion about how to concretely implement the CAT’s recommendations in Georgia, the NGOs agreed on a common declaration urging the government and all other relevant authorities to implement the recommendations in partnership with the civil society. A second meeting was planned on 29 September (agenda) with representatives of the National Security Council, the Supreme Court, the Ombudsman’s office, the Ministry of Justice, the Juvenile Colony and the Foundation for the Defence of Trafficking Victims. They presented some programs and measures that should be adopted to implement the CAT’s recommendations like a Code of Ethics for law enforcement officials and a Code for Prisoners that will be open to NGOs’ comments. They also drew attention to the fact that an article on torture should be added in the project of a new law on criminal procedure and that the Ministry was asking for NGOs’ proposals regarding alternative measures to pre-trial detention. On 29 September, a presentation was delivered to journalists concerning the content of the shadow report and the NGOs’ declaration adopted on 27 September. The press conference was covered by local TV and newspapers (see Press Release).