Civil Society Joint Alternative Report on Bangladesh Submitted to the Committee against Torture
The OMCT together wiht Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC); Asian Federation Against InvoluntaryDisappearances (AFAD); Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA); FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights; Robert F. KennedyHuman Rights and Odhikar submitted a joint alternative report to the Committee against Torture (CAT) for the review of Bangladesh's implementation of the Convention against Torture. Bangladesh has ratified the Convention almost 20 years ago but has never submitted its initial report. The CAT will review Bangaldesh as a non-reporting state in its upcoming 67th Session taking place from 22 July to 9 August.
The joint alternative repor addresses the following issues: Domestic legal framework on the prohibition of torture, the culture of impunity, torture and abuse by the Rapid Action Batallion, arbitrary detention and harrassment of human rights defenders and dissidents, torture and other ill-treatment in police detention and at arrest, gender-based violence, extrajudicial killing and enforced disappearance, 'counter terrorism' and 'extremism', and the death penalty.
The joint alternative repor addresses the following issues: Domestic legal framework on the prohibition of torture, the culture of impunity, torture and abuse by the Rapid Action Batallion, arbitrary detention and harrassment of human rights defenders and dissidents, torture and other ill-treatment in police detention and at arrest, gender-based violence, extrajudicial killing and enforced disappearance, 'counter terrorism' and 'extremism', and the death penalty.