Joint Submission to the Committee against Torture on the Review of Tajikistan, 63rd Session, April/May 2018
This joint submission by the OMCT, the IPHR, the Coalition against Torture and Impunity in Tajikistan, and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights presents information about the implementation of Tajikistan’s obligations under articles 1, 2, 3, 4,11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment orPunishment (Convention against Torture). It provides information about the legislative framework pertainingto torture and other forms of ill-treatment and its implementation. It highlights civil society concerns abouttorture and other ill-treatment in detention (including in police stations and temporary detention facilities,corrective labour facilities and prisons) as well as in other closed or semi-closed facilities and the armedforces. The document pays special attention to vulnerable groups, such as women, children, LGBT people,refugees and asylum seekers and highlights concerns pertaining to investigations into allegations of tortureand other ill-treatment, prosecutions of perpetrators, and victims’ access to reparation. The document alsoincludes a chapter about the shrinking space for civil society organizations and activists in Tajikistanincluding those working against torture and impunity.
This Joint NGO submission to the Committee against Torture (CAT) ahead of the consideration of Tajikistan’s ThirdPeriodic Report at the 63rd session in April/May 2018 provides additional and updated information on the topicscovered in the June 2017 joint NGO submission to the Committee which provided input for the Committee’spreparation of the List of Issues.
The thematic chapters in this document relate to speci c articles of the Convention. The document concludeswith a list of suggested recommendations to the Tajikistani authorities that are based on the issues and concernsraised in the thematic chapters. The main text contains short summaries of individual cases illustrating speci cviolations. The annex contains detailed descriptions of selected cases which lawyers of the Coalition againstTorture and Impunity worked on in the period under review.