
Odhikar's August Human Rights Monitoring Report for Bangladesh

Our SOS-Torture Network Bangladeshi member Odhikar's latest monitoring report is out.

Allegations of torture, harassment and extortion against the police have been reported. Extrajudicial killings keep occurring. The victim-families continue to allege that members of law enforcement

agencies arrested the victims and later used the excuse of ‘crossfire’ or ‘gunfight’ after shooting them dead.
Hindrance to and repeated violations of the right to freedom of expression of alternative or dissenting voices, have created space for confrontation. Operations carried out in the name of ‘countering extremism’ have even caused the deaths of women and children.

Political violence and criminalisation of politics in Bangladesh are two of the main barriers to the creation of a healthy political atmosphere.

Interference on the media and freedom of expression, by the government and the ruling party members has become a regular phenomenon.

Garment manufacturing factories are a very large source of revenue for Bangladesh and the factory workers are one of the main contributing factors to this success. However, closing down factories without notice, harassment, sudden termination of workers and not paying wages on time are violations that are occurring regularly. As a result workers’ unrest prevails.
Incidents of violence against women continue, including incidents of rape, dowry related violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment and acid violence.

See the full report here.