Report on the visits in the juvenile justice centres in Uruguay
The reportprovides a thorough analysis of the situation of children deprived of libertyin Benin.Through monitoring visits, the OMCT and its local partner IELSUR (member of theOMCT SOS/Torture network member since 1985), together with other local NGOpartners from the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Uruguay,have observed that the conditions in some juvenile detention centres may amountto cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Such findings reflect those made bythe Special Rapporteur on torture, Manfred Novak, during his mission to Uruguayin 2009.[1]In particular, several of the pre- and post-trial facilities are run down,extremely dirty, and inappropriate for children’s and adolescents’ needs. Insome centres, adolescents are kept in their cells for more than 20 hours a daywith no possibility of educational or leisure activities. Despite recentimprovements, the administration of drugs (soporifics) continues to be used asa means of controlling child detainees.
The reportcontains a series of detailed recommendations addressed to the authorities andother relevant stakeholders. It aims to encourage action in order to enhancethe protection of child detainees from violations of their human rights, inparticular torture and ill-treatment.
Link report: OMCT-Comité de los derechos del Niño Uruguay_Informe sobre las visitas en los centros de reclusion del INAU_final
[1]Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture, Mission toUruguay,UN Doc A/HRC/13/39/Add.2, 2009.