Soft laws aimed at stemming the funding of terrorism are misused to stifle human rights work. We propose a way forward.
A contribution from the OMCT working group on Torture & Terrorism to the annual report of the UN Special Rapporteur on counter-terrorism to the UN General Assembly
This contribution is sent on behalf of the“Torture & terrorism” Working group, an OMCT initiative which, by creating a new platform for cooperation among OMCT SOS-Torture Network Members and strategic partners, aims at empowering the anti-torture movement, re-enforcing collective advocacy and campaigning to counter the increasing acceptance of torture and policies that undermine both human rights and the legitimate response to terrorism and violent extremism. This working group is composed of17 NGOs coming from all around the globe and working on 32 countries. All findings and country analysis provided in this submission are based on their experience & expertise with the support of OMCT International secretariat and our office in Tunisia. To know more about the Working group, click here .