Submission of a joint shadow report to the Committee against Torture
On the occasion of the review of the the5th and 6th reports of Greece by the Committee against Torture during its 47th session (31 October -25 November 2011), the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT), GreekHelsinki Monitor (GHM), Minority Rights Group – Greece (MRG-G) and theCoordinated Organizations and Communities for Roma Human Rights in Greece(SOKADRE) have submitted to the Committee against Tortureinformation and recommendations in relation to the implementation by the StateParty of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or DegradingTreatment or Punishment.
The report includes information on all the issues thatwill be addressed in the review of Greece, and is based on thecontinuous work of these organisations on the human rights situation in thecountry. Detailed recommendations to the State Party are also provided.
The CAT public session on Greece will be webcasted by OMCT.