
28th Session of the Human Rights Council: Joint Statement on the Global Study for Children Deprived of Liberty


12 March 2015
Annualfull-day meeting on the Rights of the Child

Oral statement delivered byThe World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), co-sponsored by Defence for ChildrenInternational (DCI)

Thank you MrPresident,

The WorldOrganization against Torture (OMCT) and Defence for Children International(DCI), as part of the NGO Panel for the Global Study on Children Deprived ofLiberty, would like to thank the Human Rights Council and the UN experts fortheir considerable work and consideration for the human rights of the child.

We welcome thecontinued support received from member states, UN representatives and civilsociety organizations to the Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty,which was requested in Resolution 69/157 of the UN General Assembly lastDecember. The reports of the Special Rapporteur on Torture, the SpecialRepresentative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict(A/HRC/28/54) and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General onViolence against Children (A/HRC/28/55) to the Council, all express support tothis important and much needed Study.

Children deprivedof liberty is not merely a legal issue (of international obligations not beingfulfilled by states), but also a social issue: there is strong evidence thatdetention worsens recidivism rates and while detained children are deprivededucation and exposed to increased violence. Even the shortest periods of confinement create a situation of extreme vulnerability for thechild and an opportunity for practices of torture and ill treatment, causingthe need for accountability, rehabilitation and reparation. Detention ofchildren also increases public expenditure. All in all generating negative short-and long-term impact, not only on the child deprived of liberty but also on societyat large.

To undertake a GlobalStudy on Children Deprived of Liberty - which would comprehensively andscientifically analyze the status of the situation of children in detentionworldwide - will take time, close coordination with States, UN agencies, civilsociety organizations, academia and children, and of course financial and humanresources. It is crucial that an independent expert be appointed to carry outthis Study, as it will best ensure a comprehensive approach and broker clearcooperation and contributions by all relevant stakeholders.

The Study doesnot intend to be an end in itself, but rather a starting point, by getting allactors involved in this grave issue and placing it on the political and socialagenda of countries worldwide. Through the Study, governments will be able torealize and improve their national policies and practices, while serving thebest interests of both the child and society at large.

OMCT and DCIthank the Council and UN experts for their continuous support in launching thismajor endeavor, and look forward to realizing the Global Study on ChildrenDeprived of Liberty together.