Urgent Interventions

Brazil: protestor killed and others injured

Brazil: protestor killed and others injured

Case BRA 090500

The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your urgent intervention in connection with the following situation in Brazil.

Brief description of the situation

The International Secretariat of OMCT was informed of the grave confrontations between the police and demonstrators of the Movimiento de los Sin Tierra (the Landless Movement) in Curitiva, State of Paranà, which resulted in the death of Sr. Antonio Tavares Pereira, presumably at the hands of the military police. Many persons were injured, fifty of whom had to be hospitalized, many were detained and it would appear that some disappeared.

According to reports from various sources, including the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (Movement of Landless Rural Workers), a member organization of the OMCT network, on May 2nd 2000 demonstrations of peasants and indigenous members of the population took place in various cities throughout the country. In one such event, hundreds of demonstrators of the Landless Movement were making their way peacefully towards the city of Curitiba to demand title deeds for the property and credits for production when they were stopped by numerous members of the military police, heavily armed, which led to a confrontation with the result described above.

The reports also add that Sr. Antonio Tavares Pereira, aged 30, who was taken to the hospital wounded, died of a bullet wound in the abdomen and that other injured bore traces of fire arms having been used.

The International Secretariat of the OMCT shares the concern at the violence used against the Movement of the Landless which fights for the rights of thousands of landless peasants in Brazil.

Action requested

Kindly write to the Brazilian authorities urging them to:

i. guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of all the detainees and to release them in the absence of juridically valid charges;

ii. ensure appropriate reparation for the family of Sr. Antonio Tavares Pereira and the persons injured, including adequate and free medical attention;

iii. carry out a thorough, independent and impartial investigation into the events dsescribed above in order to clarify them completely, identify those responsible and ensure that the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law are applied to them;

iv. in general act in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the regional and international Pacts and Conventions ratified by Brazil.


Sr. Jaime Lerner, Governador do Paraná, Fax: (+55 41) 254 23 99, e-mail:

Exmo. Sr. Dr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Presidente da República, Praça dos Três Poderes, Palacio de Planalto 3. Andar CEP: 70150-900 Brasilia, DF, Brasil Fax (+ 55 - 61) 322 23 14 // 226-75-66 // 226-60-37 E-mail:

Exmo. Dr. Jose Carlos Dias, Ministro da Justica, Ministério da Justiça, Esplanada dos Ministerios, T, 4. Andar 70.064-900 - Brasília - DF, Brazil. Fax : (+ 55 - 61) 321 15 65 // 226 79 80 // 322 68 17 E-mail :

Exmo. Sr. Presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Praça dos Tres Poderes, Ed. Anexo 3 andar, Gabinete da Presidencia, Brasilia - DF-70175-900, Brasil. Fax : (+ 55 61) 316 55 08

Exmo. Sr. Procurador Geral da República, Sgas L2 Sul. Q.603 Lote 23, 3 andar, Brasilia - DF - 70200-901, Brasil. Fax : (+ 55 61) 223 61 19

Exmo. Sr. Presidente da Camara dos Deputados, Camara dos Deputados, Palacio do Congresso Nacional, CEP 000 Brasilia - D.F.- Brasil Fax : (+5561) 318 2117

The Brazilian Embassy in your respective countries
Geneva 9th May 2000

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code number of this appeal in your reply.