Urgent Interventions
Colombia: death threats and harassment directed at the seven leaders of the Corriente de Renovacion Socialista
Case COL 270103
Death threats/Freedom of expression
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Colombia.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed of death threats and harassment directed at the seven leaders of the Corriente de Renovacion Socialista.
According to the information received, seven leaders of the Corriente de Renovacion Socialista in Columbia have been receiving death threats and have been subject to harrassment. The names of the individuals are as follows : Leon Valencia, Jose Aristizabal, Fernando Hernandez, Antonio Sanguino, Antonio Lopez, Edgar Ruiz and Adolfo Bula.
The Corriente de Renovacion Socialista used to be a faction of the Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional (ELN) but since the 1994 peace agreements, the Corriente disassociated itself from the rebel group ELN and has been working within the legal boundaries of the Colombian constitution. Within this new democratic framework the above-mentioned leaders became members of the Partido Socialista Democratico (Socialist Democratic Party) and participated in the most recent electoral debates.
Despite their demobilisation in 1994, the seven leaders have been receiving death threats via their personal mail and even at the Fundacion Arcoiris, a democratic organisation that they founded in 1994. There have also been reports of theft. Many computers have been stolen from the head offices in Ibague and Bogota, including Mr. Jose Aristizabal's personal computer. According to the seven leaders these are not isolated incidents of delinquency but are part of the harrassment and threats to which they have been subjected.
The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of the afore-mentioned persons, given the death threats that they have received, and calls upon the auhtorities to guarantee their security.
Action requested
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Mr. Leon Valencia, Mr. Jose Aristizabal, Mr. Fernando Hernandez, Mr. Antonio Sanguino, Mr. Antonio Lopez, Mr. Edgar Ruiz and Mr. Adolfo Bula;
ii. guarantee an immediate investigation into the circumstances of these events, identify those responsible, bring them before a civil competent and impartial tribunal and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;
iii. put an immediate end to the persecution and harassment of the above-mentioned persons;
iv. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout Colombia in accordance with international human rights standards.
· S.E. Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Presidente de la República, Cra. 8 n .7-26, Palacio de Nariño, Santafé de Bogotá. Fax: (+57 1) 566 20 71
· Consejería Presidencial de Derechos Humanos, Calle 7 n . 6-54 Piso 3, Santafé de Bogotá, D. C. Fax: (+57 1) 337 13 51
· General Fernando Tapias Stahelin, Comandante de las Fuerzas Militares, Avenida el Dorado con Cra. 52, Santafé de Bogotá. Fax: (+57 1) 222 29 35; e-mail: ;
· Mission Permanente de la Colombie auprès de l’Office de las Nations Unies et des institutions spécialisées a Genève. Chemin du Champ d’Anier 17-19, 1209 Genève. Tel : (+41) 22 798 4554, 798 4555. E-mail:
Please also write to the embassies of Colombia in your respective country.
Geneva, January 27, 2003
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.
Death threats/Freedom of expression
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Colombia.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed of death threats and harassment directed at the seven leaders of the Corriente de Renovacion Socialista.
According to the information received, seven leaders of the Corriente de Renovacion Socialista in Columbia have been receiving death threats and have been subject to harrassment. The names of the individuals are as follows : Leon Valencia, Jose Aristizabal, Fernando Hernandez, Antonio Sanguino, Antonio Lopez, Edgar Ruiz and Adolfo Bula.
The Corriente de Renovacion Socialista used to be a faction of the Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional (ELN) but since the 1994 peace agreements, the Corriente disassociated itself from the rebel group ELN and has been working within the legal boundaries of the Colombian constitution. Within this new democratic framework the above-mentioned leaders became members of the Partido Socialista Democratico (Socialist Democratic Party) and participated in the most recent electoral debates.
Despite their demobilisation in 1994, the seven leaders have been receiving death threats via their personal mail and even at the Fundacion Arcoiris, a democratic organisation that they founded in 1994. There have also been reports of theft. Many computers have been stolen from the head offices in Ibague and Bogota, including Mr. Jose Aristizabal's personal computer. According to the seven leaders these are not isolated incidents of delinquency but are part of the harrassment and threats to which they have been subjected.
The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of the afore-mentioned persons, given the death threats that they have received, and calls upon the auhtorities to guarantee their security.
Action requested
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Mr. Leon Valencia, Mr. Jose Aristizabal, Mr. Fernando Hernandez, Mr. Antonio Sanguino, Mr. Antonio Lopez, Mr. Edgar Ruiz and Mr. Adolfo Bula;
ii. guarantee an immediate investigation into the circumstances of these events, identify those responsible, bring them before a civil competent and impartial tribunal and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;
iii. put an immediate end to the persecution and harassment of the above-mentioned persons;
iv. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout Colombia in accordance with international human rights standards.
· S.E. Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Presidente de la República, Cra. 8 n .7-26, Palacio de Nariño, Santafé de Bogotá. Fax: (+57 1) 566 20 71
· Consejería Presidencial de Derechos Humanos, Calle 7 n . 6-54 Piso 3, Santafé de Bogotá, D. C. Fax: (+57 1) 337 13 51
· General Fernando Tapias Stahelin, Comandante de las Fuerzas Militares, Avenida el Dorado con Cra. 52, Santafé de Bogotá. Fax: (+57 1) 222 29 35; e-mail: ;
· Mission Permanente de la Colombie auprès de l’Office de las Nations Unies et des institutions spécialisées a Genève. Chemin du Champ d’Anier 17-19, 1209 Genève. Tel : (+41) 22 798 4554, 798 4555. E-mail:
Please also write to the embassies of Colombia in your respective country.
Geneva, January 27, 2003
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.