Court postpones verdict of “Azamn” journalists, in a trial held below international standards, according to trial observation report
The continuingprosecution and trial of three “Azamn” journalists in Oman has been marked byprocedural flaws and the abuse of punitive press laws, according to a finalTrial Observation Report published by a coalition of human rights groups today.
On 07 November2016, the Omani Appeal Court in Muscat heard the case against three journalistsof “Azamn” newspaper, Ibrahim Al-Maamari, Yousef Al-Haj,and Zaher Al-Abri. The coalition of rights groups which monitoredthe trial was composed of the Gulf Center for Human Rights (GCHR), the ArabicNetwork for Human Rights Information (ANHRI), Front Line Defenders, ReportersWithout Borders (RSF), and both the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) within the framework of the Observatoryfor the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.
The independenthuman rights lawyer, who attended the Appeal Court trial on 7 November 2016 inMuscat, finds that the hearing fell below international fair trial standards.
The verdict wasset for 17 November but is now due on 12 December 2016. The coalition thereforerenew its calls for the charges to be dropped and/or for the defendants to beacquitted. See:
The full reportfinds, inter alia, that:
Pre-trialdetention of the three defendants in the summer of 2016 was arbitrary anddisproportionate, while conditions in solitary confinement constituted inhumanand degrading treatment;
There was a failure by the State to afford the defendants timely access tolegal support;
The central charges brought against the defendants act as a broad anddisproportionate tool for state action against the media, offend the principleof legality and pose a significant obstacle to successfully mounting a fairdefence;
TheAppeal Court trial failed to remedy the irregularities in the lower Courthearings.
Read the full report online HERE