Free Li Ming-Che: Joint Statement from NGOs
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We, the undersigned organizations, are extremely concerned with the Taiwan activist, Li Ming-Che, who has been detained by the PRC authorities. The fact that more and more human rights activists are arbitrarily arrested and detained in China, or even disappeared when traveling in China, shows that the human rights conditions in China are deteriorating. Li is the first person being detained after the effect of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Activities of Overseas Non-Governmental Organizations within the Territory of China.
Li Ming-Che, a program manager of Wen-Shan Community University in Taiwan, also a volunteer of the Covenants Watch, entered China via Gongbei Port of Entry in Macau on March 19, and has not been seen since then. For 10 days, the PRC government refused to reveal Li’s whereabouts. It was under the pressure of Taiwan’s NGOs, the PRC government finally confirmed that Li was detained by the PRC authorities on suspicion of threatening national security, and is currently under investigation. But his family is still denied the right to visit him. His family has no knowledge about Li’s detention. Because Li has a medical condition of hypertension, his family strongly worries about his health.
We believe that the arrest and detention of Li Ming-Che by the PRC government is not legitimate. Li Ming-Che, as an NGO worker, merely shared Taiwan’s experience of democratizationhis with his Chinese friends, who he met online in recent years. When his online Chinese friends were interested in knowing more about human rights issues or modern history, Li sent them books. In early 2016, Li urged his online Chinese friends to donate and to support the family of Chinese human rights activists, who have been detained by the PRC government.
We believe that no one should be arrested and detained because of sharing ideas on the internet. Li simply exercised his freedom of speech, which is protected by international human rights laws. His actions have also facilitated mutual understandings between Taiwan and China. The PRC government has no legitimate causes to arrest and detain him. We are sorry to see that the PRC government is getting more and more hostile to foreign human rights activists. For example, it arrested and deported Swedish human rights worker Peter Dahlin in 2016. The renowned Chinese scholar Feng Chongyi, a permanent resident of Australia, was denied to leave China and detaineed over a week in March. China also repeatedly criminalizes regular civil activities as “color revolution” on national security grounds. The litigation and detention procedures are flawed, and violate fundamental human rights standards and principles.
China, as a member state of UN Human Rights Council, should have done better. But the PRC government has repeatedly violated rights of human rights activists domestically and abroad. This government has posed a significant threat to the development of global civil society. Therefore, we call for a joint action to hold he PRC government accountable.
We demand the PRC government:
- Release Mr. Li immediately,
- Or release the details about the detention of Mr. Li,
- Ensure that Mr. Li will not be tortured or inhumanly treated,
- Ensure Li’s right to counsel, and the right of his family and lawyers to visit him,
- Ensure Li’s access to adequate medical care.
Endorsed by:
Taiwan Association for Human Rights
Covenants Watch, Taiwan
Wen-Shan Community University, Taiwan
Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
Al India Network fo Individuals and NGOs working with with National and State Human Rights Institutions.
Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA
Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM)
Bytes for All Pakistan
Center for Social Activism
China Aid
China Labour Bulletin
Dalit Foundation, India
Defence of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI)
ESCR -Asia
Earth Citizen, US
FIDH, under the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
Freedom House
Formosan Association for Public Affairs
Globe International Center, Mongolia
Gonggam Human Rights Law Foundation, South Korea
HAK Association , Timor Leste
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Human Rights Defenders’ Alert, India
Human Rights in China
Internet Democracy Project
Initiative for China
INFORM Human Rights Documentation Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka
International Youth United
Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), Timor-Leste
Korean House for International Solidarity
Madaripur Legal Aid Association (MLAA), Bangladesh.
Metro Vancouver Oversea Taiwanese Society
Maldivian Democracy Network
Minority Rights Organization (MIRO),
New School for Democracy
Ngasan Maku the Study Society in Tokyo
Odhikar, Bangladesh
Pakistan Development Alliance
People's Empowerment Foundation, Thailand
People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)
People’s Watch, India
Point of View, India
Programme Against Custodial Torture & Impunity (PACTI)
South India Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring
SUARAM, Malaysia
The International Campaign for Tibet
Think Centre
Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR)
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), under the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
The Association of community college, Taipei City
Alliance of Educare Trade Unions
Awakening Foundation
Battoa Action Alliance
Beimen Community College
Center for the Third Sector, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Citizen of The Earth Taiwan (CET)
Civil Movement for Constitutional Reform, Taiwan
Chiku Coastal Protection Association
Congress Investigation Corps
Economic Democracy Union
Environmental Jurists Association
Forever Taiwan Cultural and Educational Foundation
Formosa Lily Workshop
Green Citizens' Action Alliance,Taiwan
Hand in Need
Homemakers United Foundation
Human Rights Committee of Taipei Bar Association, Taiwan
Human Rights Nework for Tibet and Taiwan
Humanistic Education Foundation
International Socialist Forward
International Cultural Youth Exchange
ISTScare, Taiwan
Judicial Reform Foundation, Taiwan
Kaohsiung NGO Employees' Union
Medlabor Reform Group
Media Watch
Nylon Cheng Liberty Foundation
LOHAS Taiwan Association
Open Culture Foudation, Taiwan
Prison Watch, Taiwan
Queers with Disabilities
Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation
Tainan Underground Railroad Anti-eviction Association
Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty
Taiwan association for china human rights
Taiwan Association for Disability Rights
Taiwan Association for Disability Renaissance
Taiwan Association of University Professors
Taiwan Democracy Watch
Taiwan Forever Association
Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association (TGEEA)
Taiwan Gender Queer Rights Advocacy Alliance
Taiwan Grassroots Alliance for Peace
Taiwan Health Right Initiative
Taiwan Innocence Project
Taiwan International Medical Alliance
Taiwan Labour Front
Taiwan March
Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network
Taiwan Students for a Democratic China
Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBT) Hotline Association
Taiwanese Veterans Association
Takao Gooday
The association of parent participating education in Taiwan
The Garden of Hope
Treasure Taiwan Association, Taiwan
Youth Labor Union 95
Kaohsiung Educare Trade Union
Tainan Educare Trade Union
Taiwan Friends of Tibet
Taiwan Youth Anti-Communist Corps
Taiwan Friends of Uyghurs
Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association
Taiwan Citizen Participation Association
Taipei Association of Educators
Kaohsiang Auxiliary Education Craft Union
Pingtung Child Care Craft Union
Serve the People Association
Taiwan Association for Truth and Reconciliation
Kaohsiung women awakening association
New Vitality Independent living Association ,Taipei
Kaohsiung Association for the Promotion of Women's Right
Legal aid foundation, Taiwan
Taiwan Citizen Media Cultural Association
Dr.Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation
Taipei Documentary Filmmakers' Union
Youth Synergy Taiwan Foundation
Central Taiwan Citizen Action Front
Convener of Taiwan Environmental Radiation Watch Civic Group
beijing spring 北京之春
Related resources
- China
- 05.04.17
- Urgent Interventions
Incommunicado detention of Mr. Li Ming-Che