Urgent Interventions
India: attack on protestors in Umbergaon (Gujarat)
India: attack on protestors in Umbergaon (Gujarat)
Case IND 190400
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in India.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by Antenna International, a member of the OMCT network, of an attack on protesters in Umbergaon (Gujarat) involving beatings and arrests.
According to the information received, On 7th April, locals protesting peacefully against the proposed Maroli-Umbergaon Port Project in Gujarat were lathi-charged and tear gassed without any warning by the State Reserve Police (SRP). Furthermore, leaders of the Kinara Bachao Sangharsh Samiti leading the protest were picked up by the police and brutally beaten up at the local police station.
This incident is reportedly in connection with a local protest to a proposal by the government of Gujarat to construct a mega industrial port at Umbergaon in Gujarat. The development rights for this project have been awarded to NATELCO and UNOCAL Corporation (a U.S. based oil and gas company). The proposed site is a breeding and spawning ground for fish and supports the fishing industry in the area. The land is agriculturally fertile. As such, the locals of Umbergaon oppose the port project as it will destroy fishing activity and fertile land.
According to the information, on 7th April 2000, State Reserve Police personnel were brought into the area and put up tents on private land. (Previously, in November 1999, about 2000 SRP personnel had been brought into the area.) Conflict arose when the landowners protested this action. It is reported that a large number of people had gathered peacefully in protest. Allegedly under the orders of the Mamlatdar, administrative head of the sub-district, at about 8pm, the police requested five persons to come to the police station for talks. Later another five persons were called. When the police returned for another five persons, the crowd asked where the previous ten were.
According to the information, the police instead of answering the queries of the crowd surrounded the people and indiscriminately started beating them. About 28 men and 18 women were arrested and taken to the Umbergaon lock-up. Those arrested included the office bearers of Kinara Bachao Sangharsh Samiti. Around 1.30am they arrested Advocate Bhupendra Macchi and Colonel Pratap Save (President of Knara Bachao Sangharsh Samiti) from their homes. Colonel Pratap Save, Chandrashekhar Sagar, Haresh B. Macchi, Harsh R. Macchi, Narhari Macchi and Advocate Ulhas Macchi were beaten by the police at the lock-up. PSI Zala and Dy. Superintendent of Police Narendra Amin have been identified as taking part in the beating of the protestors with lathis. Colonel Pratap Save was held by policemen and repeatedly struck blows with the lathi on his chest until he collapsed on the ground but the beating continued.
It is further reported that the above-mentioned detained persons were released on bail by the court on the next day but were detained under the law of preventive detention for another 24 hours. Colonel Pratap Save ultimately collapsed and had to be shifted to the hospital where he fell into a coma. He was moved to Bombay on Sunday where he underwent an emergency operation for a brain haemorrhage. According to reports he has not regained consciousness and his condition remains extremely serious.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in India urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the above-mentioned persons;
ii. guarantee an immediate investigation into the circumstances of these events, identify those responsible, bring them before a civil competent and impartial tribunal and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;
iii. guarantee adequate restitution, compensation and rehabilitation to all injured people;
iv. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
H.E. President K.R. Narayanan, Office of the President, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi 110 004, INDIA Fax: 91-11-301 7290 / 7824
H.E. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi, India-110 011 Fax: 91-11-3019545 / 91-11-3016857
Justice Venkatachellaih, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 11001, India. Fax: 91-11-334 0016
Geneva, April 19, 2000
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.
Case IND 190400
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in India.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by Antenna International, a member of the OMCT network, of an attack on protesters in Umbergaon (Gujarat) involving beatings and arrests.
According to the information received, On 7th April, locals protesting peacefully against the proposed Maroli-Umbergaon Port Project in Gujarat were lathi-charged and tear gassed without any warning by the State Reserve Police (SRP). Furthermore, leaders of the Kinara Bachao Sangharsh Samiti leading the protest were picked up by the police and brutally beaten up at the local police station.
This incident is reportedly in connection with a local protest to a proposal by the government of Gujarat to construct a mega industrial port at Umbergaon in Gujarat. The development rights for this project have been awarded to NATELCO and UNOCAL Corporation (a U.S. based oil and gas company). The proposed site is a breeding and spawning ground for fish and supports the fishing industry in the area. The land is agriculturally fertile. As such, the locals of Umbergaon oppose the port project as it will destroy fishing activity and fertile land.
According to the information, on 7th April 2000, State Reserve Police personnel were brought into the area and put up tents on private land. (Previously, in November 1999, about 2000 SRP personnel had been brought into the area.) Conflict arose when the landowners protested this action. It is reported that a large number of people had gathered peacefully in protest. Allegedly under the orders of the Mamlatdar, administrative head of the sub-district, at about 8pm, the police requested five persons to come to the police station for talks. Later another five persons were called. When the police returned for another five persons, the crowd asked where the previous ten were.
According to the information, the police instead of answering the queries of the crowd surrounded the people and indiscriminately started beating them. About 28 men and 18 women were arrested and taken to the Umbergaon lock-up. Those arrested included the office bearers of Kinara Bachao Sangharsh Samiti. Around 1.30am they arrested Advocate Bhupendra Macchi and Colonel Pratap Save (President of Knara Bachao Sangharsh Samiti) from their homes. Colonel Pratap Save, Chandrashekhar Sagar, Haresh B. Macchi, Harsh R. Macchi, Narhari Macchi and Advocate Ulhas Macchi were beaten by the police at the lock-up. PSI Zala and Dy. Superintendent of Police Narendra Amin have been identified as taking part in the beating of the protestors with lathis. Colonel Pratap Save was held by policemen and repeatedly struck blows with the lathi on his chest until he collapsed on the ground but the beating continued.
It is further reported that the above-mentioned detained persons were released on bail by the court on the next day but were detained under the law of preventive detention for another 24 hours. Colonel Pratap Save ultimately collapsed and had to be shifted to the hospital where he fell into a coma. He was moved to Bombay on Sunday where he underwent an emergency operation for a brain haemorrhage. According to reports he has not regained consciousness and his condition remains extremely serious.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in India urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the above-mentioned persons;
ii. guarantee an immediate investigation into the circumstances of these events, identify those responsible, bring them before a civil competent and impartial tribunal and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;
iii. guarantee adequate restitution, compensation and rehabilitation to all injured people;
iv. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
H.E. President K.R. Narayanan, Office of the President, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi 110 004, INDIA Fax: 91-11-301 7290 / 7824
H.E. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi, India-110 011 Fax: 91-11-3019545 / 91-11-3016857
Justice Venkatachellaih, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 11001, India. Fax: 91-11-334 0016
Geneva, April 19, 2000
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.