Urgent Interventions
India: forced repatriation of Chin-Burmese refugees
Case IND 160800
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in India.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned by reports regarding the forced repatriation of Chin-Burmese refugees to Myanmar.
According to the information received, on 6th August 2000, the police of Mizoram state handed over 85 Chin-Burmese refugees to the Myanmar army. On 8th August 2000, another 25 refugees were handed over. The fate of these 105 persons is unknown, although there are grave fears for their security; it is reported that previously in 1997, several Chin-Burmese refugees were similarly handed over to the Myanmar army by Mizoram police and shot dead inside the Myanmar border. It is estimated that a total of 1005 Chin-Burmese asylum seekers are currently detaiend at vaiours places in Mizoram.
Since 25 July 2000, there has reportedly been a series of actions against refugees in the Mizoram state of India. It seems that hundreds of refugees, mostly Chin-Burmese refugees from the Chin state in Myanmar have been arrested. It is further reported that most of the arrested Chin refugees have been charged with illegal entry into India under the “Foreigner’s Act” and that they would be deported to Myanmar. It seems that most arrests and detention have taken place in Aizwal and five police stations have been identified where the refugees are being kept: Babutlang, Bawnkawn, Vaiwakawn, Kulikawn and Luangmual. The central jail in Tandril is also being used. Reportedly, they have been denied permission to see relatives and have not been able to take any belongings.
According to the information received, Mizoram state borders the Chin-Burmese state in Myanmar and about 40,000 to 50,000 Chin refugees have taken shelter in the Mizoram state as a result of military repression. The Chin ethnic people are Christians and it is reported that they have been subjected to force conversions, mass instances of slave labour, looting of homes, rape of women by the Myanmar army which has created an exodus of Chins crossing into Mizoram state in India.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in India urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Chin refugees inside India and put an immediate end to their forced repatriation;
ii. ensure that their procedural rights be guaranteed at all times;
iii. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
H.E. President K.R. Narayanan, Office of the President, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi 110 004, INDIA Fax: 91-11-301 7290 / 7824
H.E. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi, India-110 011 Fax: 91-11-3019545 / 91-11-3016857
Mr L.K. Advani, Home Minister of India, South Block, New Dehli 110001, India, fax: +91 11 3015750
Justice A. N. Varma, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 11001, India. Fax: 91-11-334 0016
Please also send a copy of your letter to:
Mrs Sadako Ogata, High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, C.P. 2500, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland.
Geneva, August 16, 2000
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in India.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned by reports regarding the forced repatriation of Chin-Burmese refugees to Myanmar.
According to the information received, on 6th August 2000, the police of Mizoram state handed over 85 Chin-Burmese refugees to the Myanmar army. On 8th August 2000, another 25 refugees were handed over. The fate of these 105 persons is unknown, although there are grave fears for their security; it is reported that previously in 1997, several Chin-Burmese refugees were similarly handed over to the Myanmar army by Mizoram police and shot dead inside the Myanmar border. It is estimated that a total of 1005 Chin-Burmese asylum seekers are currently detaiend at vaiours places in Mizoram.
Since 25 July 2000, there has reportedly been a series of actions against refugees in the Mizoram state of India. It seems that hundreds of refugees, mostly Chin-Burmese refugees from the Chin state in Myanmar have been arrested. It is further reported that most of the arrested Chin refugees have been charged with illegal entry into India under the “Foreigner’s Act” and that they would be deported to Myanmar. It seems that most arrests and detention have taken place in Aizwal and five police stations have been identified where the refugees are being kept: Babutlang, Bawnkawn, Vaiwakawn, Kulikawn and Luangmual. The central jail in Tandril is also being used. Reportedly, they have been denied permission to see relatives and have not been able to take any belongings.
According to the information received, Mizoram state borders the Chin-Burmese state in Myanmar and about 40,000 to 50,000 Chin refugees have taken shelter in the Mizoram state as a result of military repression. The Chin ethnic people are Christians and it is reported that they have been subjected to force conversions, mass instances of slave labour, looting of homes, rape of women by the Myanmar army which has created an exodus of Chins crossing into Mizoram state in India.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in India urging them to:
i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Chin refugees inside India and put an immediate end to their forced repatriation;
ii. ensure that their procedural rights be guaranteed at all times;
iii. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
H.E. President K.R. Narayanan, Office of the President, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi 110 004, INDIA Fax: 91-11-301 7290 / 7824
H.E. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi, India-110 011 Fax: 91-11-3019545 / 91-11-3016857
Mr L.K. Advani, Home Minister of India, South Block, New Dehli 110001, India, fax: +91 11 3015750
Justice A. N. Varma, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 11001, India. Fax: 91-11-334 0016
Please also send a copy of your letter to:
Mrs Sadako Ogata, High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, C.P. 2500, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland.
Geneva, August 16, 2000
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.