Urgent Interventions
International NGOs call for end to Russian crack-down on civil society
International NGOs call for end to Russian crack-down on civil society
BERLIN, 19 December 2012 - On the eve of the European Union-Russia summit this week, eight international organisations representing a cross-section of global civil society call on European Union leaders to urge Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the crackdown on Russian civil society.
Russia has passed a series of laws that restrict the rights to freedom of expression, association, and assembly significantly hindering the operation of national non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as international NGOs supporting them. The laws have created a difficult environment for civil society in Russia where activists now face significant risks in carrying out their work.
Amnesty International, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Freedom House, Front Line Defenders, Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (a joint programme of the World Organisation Against Torture [OMCT] and the International Federation for Human Rights [FIDH]) and Transparency International urge the summit participants to seek a commitment from the Russian government to ensure the involvement of civil society in public policy debates, stop harassment of human rights organisations, and increase protection for civil society activists and journalists.
We call for the repeal of recently adopted laws that contain provisions inconsistent with Russia’s international and constitutional commitments on human rights and good governance. These include:
- Non-profit and non-government organisations receiving funds from foreign organisations must now register with a special governmental agency and publicly identify themselves as “foreign agents” – a pejorative label signifying spy and traitor – if they engage in so called “political activities”, which include advocacy and influencing public opinion. Such organisations must also put “foreign agent” on all publications. Failure to respect the provisions can be punished by a prison sentence.
- A new, broad legal definition of “treason” could potentially criminalise human rights and political activism.
- Exorbitantly high penalties of up to $32,000 have been introduced for violating restrictive rules on public protests creating a chilling effect on the right to peaceful assembly.
- The government now has the power to shut down websites without a court order if they are considered to be publishing “prohibited” information, a term that is not clearly defined. This could curb freedom of expression and increase internet censorship.
- Libel is once again a criminal offence, punishable by increased fines of up to $61,000, which is likely to inhibit criticism by the media and NGOs of public officials and policies.
We call on the European Union to join us in urging the Russian government to bring its laws into line with Russia’s international obligations and rights guaranteed under the Russian Constitution, repeal restrictive new laws and guarantee a safe environment for civil society.#Contacts:
Amnesty InternationalLydia Aroyo, Press OfficerEmail: laroyo@amnesty.orgPhone: +44 (0) 20 7413 5599; +44 (0) 7771 796 350
CIVICUSMandeep Tiwana, Policy and Advocacy ManagerEmail: Mandeep.tiwana@civicus.orgPhone: +27 11 833 5959 ext. 110
Freedom HouseSusan Corke, Director for Eurasia programsEmail: Corke@freedomhouse.orgPhone: +1 202 296 5101
Front Line DefendersJim Loughran, Head of CommunicationsEmail: jim@frontlinedefenders.orgPhone: +353 1 212 3750
GreenpeaceIvan Blokov, Campaign Director, Greenpeace RussiaEmail: ivan.blokov@greenpeace.orgPhone: +7 495 9887460 ext. 332Daniel Mittler, Political Director, Greenpeace InternationalEmail: daniel.mittler@greenpeace.orgPhone: +49 160 94676589
Human Rights WatchRachel Denberr, Deputy Europe and Central Asia directorEmail: denberr@hrw.orgPhone: +1 917 916 1266
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)Arthur Manet / Audrey Couprie, Press OfficersEmails: acouprie@fidh.orgPhone: + 33 1 43 55 25 18
Transparency InternationalChris Sanders, Manager, Media and Public RelationsEmail: press@transparency.orgPhone: +49 30 3438 20 666
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)Delphine Reculeau, CoordinatorEmail: dr@omct.orgPhone: + 41 22 809 49 39