Urgent Interventions
Iraq : The World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) condemns the kidnappings of Ms. Simona Pari and Ms. Simona Torretta
Geneva, 13 September 2004
Iraq : The World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) condemns the kidnappings of Ms. Simona Pari and Ms. Simona Torretta
OMCT firmly condemns the kidnappings of two Italian peace-workers, Ms. Simona Pari and Ms. Simona Torretta, as well as that of two Iraqi colleagues, Mr. Ra’ad Ali Abdul-Aziz and Mr. Mahnaz Bassam. The aid workers in question had been working for the NGO “A Bridge to Bagdad” in Iraq since 1991, and were kidnapped on the premises of the organisation on September 7, 2004. The fact that those responsible for the kidnappings now also attack humanitarian aid workers reveals that the kidnappers have crossed yet another threshold in the spiralling violence in Iraq.
OMCT is deeply concerned about the personal integrity of Ms. Simona Pari, Ms. Simona Torretta, Mr. Ra’ad Ali Abdul-Aziz and Mr. Mahnaz Bassam and urgently calls upon the perpetrators of these acts to immediately release the victimised peace-workers.
Contact OMCT : +41 22 809.49.39
Geneva, 13 September 2004
Iraq : The World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) condemns the kidnappings of Ms. Simona Pari and Ms. Simona Torretta
OMCT firmly condemns the kidnappings of two Italian peace-workers, Ms. Simona Pari and Ms. Simona Torretta, as well as that of two Iraqi colleagues, Mr. Ra’ad Ali Abdul-Aziz and Mr. Mahnaz Bassam. The aid workers in question had been working for the NGO “A Bridge to Bagdad” in Iraq since 1991, and were kidnapped on the premises of the organisation on September 7, 2004. The fact that those responsible for the kidnappings now also attack humanitarian aid workers reveals that the kidnappers have crossed yet another threshold in the spiralling violence in Iraq.
OMCT is deeply concerned about the personal integrity of Ms. Simona Pari, Ms. Simona Torretta, Mr. Ra’ad Ali Abdul-Aziz and Mr. Mahnaz Bassam and urgently calls upon the perpetrators of these acts to immediately release the victimised peace-workers.
Contact OMCT : +41 22 809.49.39