Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy was located and released
Case RUS 150508.1
Follow-up of case RUS 150508
Whereabouts located/ Release
The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) has received new information about the following situation in the Russian Federation.
New information
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by a reliable source and by Antenna International, a member of OMCT SOS-Torture network, that .
According to the information received, Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy’s detention at the headquarters of the Moscow police located at Petrovka 38 was confirmed on 17 May 2008. However, neither his family nor his lawyer were allowed to meet him. He was later released on 19 May 2008 after completing his sentence.
Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy is reportedly currently hospitalised in a poor health condition following his hunger strike.
Reminder of the situation
According to the information received, Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy was arrested, on 6 May 2008, on his way to the site where the March of Dissent, organised by the Other Russia, was planned to start. Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy was reportedly grabbed by four people in plainclothes from behind when he was walking with friends along Chistoprudnyy Boulevard and dragged into a police car. The alleged policemen reportedly did not introduce themselves or show any IDs. On 7 May 2008, he was sentenced to 13 days of administrative custody for resisting law-enforcement agencies (according to Article 19 of the Administrative Code) by the Bsamanny district court of Moscow.
Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy was reportedly first detained at the Moscow branch of the Ministry of the Interior (located 65 Gylyarovsky St., block 3). His lawyer, Mrs. Anna Polozova, went to the Ministry of Interior on 8 May 2008 to meet with him but when she arrived Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy was taken away by several guards and forced into a car. She was reportedly informed that Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy was taken to the headquarters of the Moscow police located at Petrovka 38, allegedly because of lack of space, and was requested to leave. She intended to file a written complaint but to no avail. When she asked how it was possible to keep a person for two days and then not to have a place for him, she was reportedly grabbed by the arm and dragged out.
Since Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy’s transfer, Ms. Anna Polozova and his mother were denied access to him and the police have further claimed not to detain him at the police headquarters. His whereabouts remained unknown. OMCT has further been informed that Mr. Oleg Kozlovskiy had been on hunger strike to protest about this detention.
The March of Dissent, which was initially planned to take place on 6 May 2008, was cancelled following reports that the police would repress the participants. However, more than 70 individuals were reportedly still arrested and several were sentenced to various terms of administrative custody.
OMCT wishes to thank all of the individuals and organisations that have taking action as a response to the urgent appeal. No further action is currently required on your part concerning this case.
Geneva, 21 May 2008