Urgent Interventions

Togo: arrest of Agbozo Essi, a 12 year old girl

Togo: arrest of 12 year old girl

Case TGO 160500.CC

The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Togo.

Brief description of the situation:

The International Secretariat of the OMCT has just been informed by a reliable source of the arrest of Agbozo Essi, a 12 year old girl.

On the 5th of May 2000 around 20h00, Agbozo Essi was taken to the Sûreté Nationale and held until the 6th of May 2000. She was then transferred to the Brigade pour Mineurs where she is currently being detained.

Her arrest is linked to a case of false declaration of theft of the vehicle of Mr Kaboua Abass.

According to information received, there are grave fears for the life of Agbozo Essi.

The International Secretariat of OMCT recalls that Togo is a state party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and as such is obligated to ensure the protection of all children against all forms of illegal or arbitrary detention.

Action requested:

Please write to the Togolese authorities urging them to:

take all appropriate measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Agbozo Essi and order her immediate release;
ensure an immediate investigation into the detention of Agbozo Essi, identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
ensure the full and effective respect of human rights throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international standards in human rights, particularly the the Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by Togo.


Général Eyadéma Gnassingbé, Président de la République du Togo, Lomé, Togo. Fax : (228) 211897

M. Eugene Adoboli, Premier Ministre. Fax : (228) 21 37 53

Ministère de la Promotion de la Démocratie et de l'Etat de Droit, Lomé, Togo. Fax : (228) 22 61 14

Diplomatic Representatives of Togo in your respective countries

Geneva, 16 May 2000

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code number of this appeal.