
Second Edition OMCT Handbook Series

OMCT’s Handbook Series consists offour volumes, each one providing a detailed guide to the practice, procedures,and jurisprudence of the regional and international mechanisms that arecompetent to examine individual complaints concerning the violation of theabsolute prohibition of torture and ill-treatment.

Volume 1 - Article3 of the European Convention on Human Rights: A Practitioner’s Handbook

The purpose of this Handbook is toprovide practical advice to persons wishing to bring a case to the EuropeanCourt of Human Rights under Article 3 of the European Convention on HumanRights, which prohibits torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.As such, the Handbook contains an accessiblebut comprehensive treatment of the procedure and practice of the EuropeanCourt, as well as a detailed analysis of the Court’s jurisprudence in the areaof torture and ill-treatment. Reference materials are included in theappendices as a further resource for litigants.

This book is available in Englishand Russian.

Volume 2 - The Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment in theInter-American Human Rights System: A Handbook for Victims and their Advocates

The purpose of this Handbook is toprovide practical advice to persons wishing to bring individual complaintsconcerning violations of the prohibition of torture and other forms ofill-treatment before the Inter-American Human Rights System. As such, theHandbook provides an accessible and comprehensive guide to the practice andprocedure of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and theInter-American Court of Human Rights, as well as a detailed analysis of thesubstantive law developed by the Commission and Court concerning torture andill-treatment. Reference materials are included in the appendices as a furtherresource for litigants.

This book is available in Englishand Spanish.

Volume 3 - The Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment in the African HumanRights System: A Handbook for Victims and their Advocates

This Handbook aims to provide anintroduction to the African regional human rights system, by presenting anoverview of the framework and evolving norms and jurisprudence of the regionaland sub-regional human rights bodies. The updated handbook also covers theevolution of case law, pinpointing settled and emerging jurisprudentialapproaches regarding the nature and substance of the obligations contained inArticle 5 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, as well as thecontent of procedural duties and the scope of reparations for victims oftorture. Additionally, this Handbook seeks to act as a practical guide forcivil society actors and NGOs by detailing procedures and requirements forutilising the various human rights tools built into the system. In general,this publication will describe the accomplishments, potential and challenges ofthis system to deal with the pervasive problem of torture. Reference materials are included inthe appendices as a further resource for litigants.

This book is available in English,French and Arabic.

Volume 4 - Seeking Remedies for Torture Victims: A Handbook on theIndividual Complaints Procedures of the UN Treaty Bodies

The purpose of this Handbook is togive practical guidance to persons seeking redress for torture and otherill-treatment before the United Nations human rights treaty bodies. It providesan overview of the mandate and functions of the Human Rights Committee, theCommittee against Torture and the Committee on the Elimination of Discriminationagainst Women and describes in detail the individual complaints procedures ofthese bodies with special emphasis on providing strategic advice to personslitigating torture cases. It also contains a comprehensive thematic analysis ofthe relevant jurisprudence of the three Committees. Reference materials areincluded in the appendices as a further resource for litigants.

This book is available in English,Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian and Turkish.

Copyright © 2014 World Organisation AgainstTorture (OMCT)

Material from OMCT’s Handbook Seriesmay be reproduced for educational, training, advocacy and other non-commercialpurposes as long as OMCT is fully acknowledged and the volume in questionappropriately cited. No part of the Handbook Series may be reproduced for anycommercial purpose.

Forquestions about the OMCT Handbook Series, please contact Helena SolàMartín at hs@omct.org.

The OMCT wishes to thank the European Union, Oak Foundation, Hans Wilsdorf Foundation and the Swiss Confederation for making possible the publication of the 2nd edition of the OMCT Handbook Series.