Press Release: Court decision on human rights defender Azimjan Askarov expected on January 24
Paris-Geneva, January 20, 2017 – On January 24, the Chuy Regional Court of Kyrgyzstan is expected toissue a new appeal verdict on Mr. Azimjan Askarov's case. The verdict will beissued after nearly 4 months of retrial in appeal starting from October 2016,following a United Nations (UN)’s request for his release, and for quashing ofhis conviction. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders(FIDH-OMCT) calls on the Chuy Regional Court to comply with the UN decision, toacquit and unconditionally release Mr. Askarov.
Charged with complicity in the murder of apoliceman, inciting violence and mass disorder, Mr. Azimjan Askarov, anethnic Uzbek, founder of human rights NGO Vozduh (Air), was sentenced to lifeimprisonment in 2010 in a trial that was marred by allegations of torture,intimidation, due process violations and violations of the right to a fairtrial. Azimjan Askarov and his lawyers have repeatedly claimed the innocence ofthe defendant, providing proof that he was not even present at thecrime scene.
In March 2016, the UN Human Rights Committee(CCPR) ordered the quashing of Mr. Askarov’s conviction, as well as hisimmediate release. However, Mr. Askarov was not released as requested in the UNdecision.
During the appeal retrial hearings, six otherco-accused admitted having been tortured, ill-treated and threatened withfurther violence in case they did not testify against the defendant. Thefailure by the court to neither investigate claims of torture nor the pressureexerted on defence witnesses demonstrated that the retrial fell short of anumber of internationally-recognised fair trial standards. The principle ofequality of arms was violated: Mr. Askarov was placed in a metal cage duringall hearings, his lawyers and supporters were intimidated and slanderedthroughout the process.
“Azimjan Askarov isnot a criminal. He is a human rights defender. The verdict of January 24 willbe a test case on Kyrgyzstan's willingness to comply with United Nationsdecisions, and live upwith its human rights commitments”, our organisations said today.
Prior to his arrest in June 2010,Mr. Azimjan Askarov was investigating police brutality as well as detentionconditions in Kyrgyz prisons. He notably documented violence in Bazar Korgonduring ethnic clashes that sparked in June 2010 in southern Kyrgyzstan,resulting in the death of nearly 500 Uzbeks and the displacement of hundreds ofthousands.
The Observatory calls on the Kyrgyzauthorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mr. Askarov, and toensure an enabling environment for human rights defenders in the country.
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (theObservatory) was created in 1997 by FIDH and OMCT. The objective of thisprogramme is to prevent or remedy situations of repression against human rightsdefenders. FIDH and OMCT are both members of,the European Union Human Rights Defenders Mechanism implemented byinternational civil society.
For more information, please contact:
• FIDH: Arthur Manet / Audrey Couprie: +33143552518
• OMCT: Miguel Martín / Delphine Reculeau: +41228094939
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Azimjan askarov
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