Le Joint Mobile Group lauréat du Prix Martin Ennals 2013
The Joint MobileGroup was selected by the International Human Rights Community (See Jury Below). The Award is given toHuman Rights Defenders who have shown deep commitment and face great personal risk.The aim of the award is to provide protection through international recognition.Strongly supported by the City of Geneva, the Award will be presented on Oct. 8th.
Joint Mobile Group, Russia: After the murder of several humanrights activists working in Chechnya,Igor Kalyapin started the Joint Mobile Group. To reduce the risk they sendinvestigators on short missions to Chechnya to document Human Rights abuses.This information is then used to publicise these abuses to seek legal redress. Igor Kalyapin speaking of the effect ofinternational publicity said “… whenthe international community is watching us it is more difficult for theauthorities to take steps against us…”
Micheline Calmy-Rey,Chair, Martin Ennals Foundation said “Thechoice of the Jury has again shown that human rights defenders are the mostcrucial actors and can make a difference on the ground”.
“We honor the Joint Mobile Group at a time when the Russian Human Rightscommunity is threatened and labelled as 'foreign agents'. The Joint MobileGroup, coordinated by the Interregional NGO “Committee Against Torture” - amember of the SOS torture network - is one of the finest antitorture actors inthe world. Ultimately, human rights are in the national interest of anydemocratic state”, said OMCT Secretary General.
The Jury alsoselected two recipients of the New Martin Ennals Prizes
Mona Seif, Egypt: Core founder of the” No To MilitaryTrials for Civilians”, Mona has brought together activists, lawyers, victims’families, local stakeholders and started a nationwide movement against militarytrials.
Mario Joseph, referred to as Haiti’s mostimportant Human Rights lawyer, he has worked on some of the most importantcases in Haiti, including the current case against the formerdictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier.
“This years consideration of the three nominees reflects theextraordinary courage that it takes to fight human rights violations in manycountries around the world, not the least Egypt, Haiti and Russia”, said theOMCT.
The main award of the human rights movement. The Martin Ennals Award for HumanRights Defenders (MEA) is a unique collaboration among ten of the world’sleading human rights organizations to give protectionto human rights defenders worldwide. The Jury is composed of the following NGOs: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights First, Int’l Federation for Human Rights, World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), Front Line Defenders, International Commission of Jurists, German Diakonie, International Service for HumanRights and HURIDOCS.
For further information, please contact:
Michael Khambatta, +41 79 474 8208, khambatta@martinennalsaward.org
or visit www.martinennalsaward.org
Note: see the Russian version of the Press Release attached
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